Jeongcheol 4

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The following crowd leaded him to the ground floor. The way from third floor to ground one seemed a lot distant than Jeonghan had concluded.

The walls in the way were unnaturally thicker and stronger, same white and grey colour coding applied everywhere.

The stairs leading to ground floor were made of cement but since not maintained for years, it's edges keep falling apart. The cells were organised in their own way, which somehow eventually opened into corridors and that end up leading to stairs. Jeonghan wondered how more long he had to walk when finally saw the stairs ending.

He was lucky that cafeteria was just beside the stairs. Standing on the last stair of the row, Jeonghan saw people making queue for their turn to enter inside. It seemed like after entering, people were told to grab their plates and then food before setting themselves on the tables provided.

Not thinking much, Jeonghan stood in the line himself. There were numerous men standing in front of him while couple few standing behind his back. He was practically in middle and getting pushed around in such a crowd was normal, atleast it seemed normal to Jeonghan.

So he did not say anything when the man behind him pushed him a little. He did not turn back, ignoring the matter since it was his first day. But the matter soon went unbearable.

As the old generation had said, silence leads to people thinking you are weak. Jeonghan's silence leaded to the person in the back thinking he could do whatever he wanted to. From little pushes, he went around sneaking his hands on Jeonghan's waist.

At first, Jeonghan flinched by the sudden touch that he ended up looking back at the man, but his glare did no good job at him. Instead, he smirked, a stupid expression of victory plastered over his face the moment he took his chances and grabbed onto Jeonghan's butt, groping it forcefully.

Jeonghan gasped in fear and when he tried to push the man away, the stranger grabbed onto his wrist and jerked him so hard that he ended up falling off his butt on the ground.

The newcomer saw people laughing at him, and the stranger, whose touch still gave him chills down his spine, coming over at him and bending down at his level.

The moment he tried to touch him, Jeonghan slapped his hands away, voice no more shuttering due to anger but tears filled in his eyes, "Stay away!"

The stranger laughed but refused to give up. When his hands came back towards Jeonghan's face, Jeonghan's attempt to hit them again changed into the stranger grabbing his wrist and twisting at his back, "You said anything?"

The way the stranger's fingers travelled through his cheeks and then tugged his hair behind his ears, Jeonghan felt nauseousness taking over his brain. His eyes automatically shed a tears and the stranger did ended up wiping them off from his finger, commenting, "So pretty. How did you ended up here my boy?"

Jeonghan wanted to scream for help but it did not look like someone out of them was going to come out to help a newcomer like him. From corner of his eyes, Jeonghan saw Coups standing there as well, farthest from all of them. Beside him stood Mingyu, arms crossed on the chest in same way it was of Coups.

He did not come forward so Jeonghan gave up the hope to find any help from any of them. Instead, he gathered up all his energy and pushed the stranger that he ended up on his butt this time. Jeonghan saw this as an opportunity and ran towards the stairs, leaving people laughing at him from behind, some even staring at him inquisitively. He did not care, there was nothing behind to care anyway.

And no one saw him again for full night. He did not come down for dinner, also no one bothered to give him food in any form. When Coups came back to his cell, all he saw was his cellmate curling himself behind his bed and already drifting to sleep.

He removed his footwears and climbed upto his bed. Spending a good minute wondering about which side of bed he should be keeping his head since Jeonghan was leaning onto his side of bed where coups used to sleep.

It was hella uncomfortable watching a man sleep on floor while you are here on the bed. Coups though tried to sleep telling himself that bad people aren't supposed to feel bad, he ended up spending half of an hour staring at the ceiling. There was no way sleep was visiting him tonight.

And since it wasn't, he stood up, silently wore his slippers and got out towards Mingyu's cell. He might sleep on floor if it ends up him not watching the newcomer's face. When he was getting ready to go out without much disturbance, Jeonghan shifted in his sleep, grabbing onto his bed and  going back to being dead.

He had cried himself to sleep. Coups was sure since he could see dry tears on his cheeks. His hair was shining under the candle Coups used to light inside before going to sleep like everyday.

He bended down to Jeonghan's level and grabbed the candle which was kept beside him all these while. The moment the light of the candle fell onto Jeonghan's face when he held it in front of him, his face shined in the darkness.

He was indeed crying, his red nose and pink cheeks were a witness of it. His bangs were falling off on his face and coups's hands eventually came forward to tug then securely behind his ears. But before he could do so, he remembered something and stopped eventually.

He might not take the risks of it, especially when the man in front was traumatised by the same experience.

But that does not stopped him from staring at his face, "No wonder they all are after you."

He chuckled slightly, looking at Jeonghan's face again before commenting, "And no wonder why no one takes you seriously. You are too pretty to be taken seriously by anyone.... But this also makes me wonder what are you here for."

Ofcourse there was no answer from the man whose eyes were shut closed. He was in deep sleep, away from anything happening around him. Coups on the other hand felt the need to sit down and stare at the man untill he finally have his fill so he immediately stood up, sighing, "I better get out of here. Watching you does something weird in my stomach."

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