Jeongcheol 22

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Mingyu wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to get off from here as soon as he can. It sucked to be here, to be around people who judged you by your mere existence, who made fun of you when you are just breathing and his roommate was added to top of hierarchy why he thought he wouldn't make up here even for a month.

He food sucked as well, Mingyu realised it the moment he chewed on the first bite of the food. It was bland, no specific taste in it to be exact. He was thinking of what to be done of himself and the people around him when all of sudden his table was occupied by four people, people who were nothing but new faces to Mingyu.

The way they looked at him while sitting down, Mingyu knew this was one of the drastic measures in his life when he should be running away. Those ugly faces gave no intention of being kind or friendly to Mingyu and the next moment, when one of them slapped his arms, Mingyu knew he was in danger, "Good biceps huh! So what can you do with them?"

Mingyu blinked, mainly to show the level of stupidity that question had contained. But his pause for letting them know how dumb they sounded was interpreted as confusion, "Okay, how about you give a good headlock to someone out there? Anyone so we can see who is more strong?"

They laughed and well, Fuck. The only word that Mingyu could hear ringing in his mind was 'what the fuck?' That was straight up a trap, Mingyu was innocent, but not even that much where he doesn't know head locking total strangers leads to where. He could be punched for all he can portray at the moment, or worst when all of them come together to beat the shit outta him, who knows?

So the first thing that stricked his mind was grabbing his plate and standing up to leave, giving a small smile to people sitting at his table, "I am sorry, actually i suddenly feel full so I have to leave, you know, to keep this plate from where I brought?"

"No," the tallest of them stated, voice not containing the hospitality it contained a moment ago, "We aren't done yet."

The one who was sitting beside Mingyu brought him down, pulling him to sit on his seat again, "Oh, come on! You are new right?" His voice was too hospitable, totally creepy if Mingyu was being honest, "Why not go together with us? And if you are done already, let's have some chats. What's say?"

Say? Mingyu didn't exactly knew if he had his say in that matter. But he sat down while not trying to provoke anyone on the very first day. When he thought life couldn't do him more wrong, the one from heaven's showed him that it can.

"What's your name?" The taller asked.

"Kim Mingyu."

"Kim Mingyu?" The shorter repeated the words under his breath, and all of sudden he was touching Mingyu's uniform, squeezing his arms and grabbing on his chin to take a proper look on his face. It was disgusting, the way they touched him or even looked at him, it was totally disgusting. But still, Mingyu did not say anything, not even when they passed comments on him while looking at eachother, "He is handsome, I must say. Even his body is good."

It wasn't said to him, but Mingyu strangely enough did not felt pleased by that compliment. After being touched like that, he couldn't see the bright side of the comment. And then again, one more comment was passed, "His hair, I don't like it. It looks ugly on him."

The shorter then turned back to look at Mingyu, touching his hair and replying, "Maybe you are right, but his face do make up for everything he is lacking," his finger travelled through his cheeks, trailing on his jaw and giving Mingyu a nasty goosebump, "What are you, top or bottom?"

"I am neither of those," Mingyu grabbed on the shorter's wrist and calmly pushed it away from touching his lips, "Sorry, i have to go."

He stood up, ready to leave when the taller added again, "We aren't done yet."

"Then you should be done." A strange voice added from behind and when Mingyu raised his head to look at who it was, all he saw was a tall man, slightly shorter than Mingyu in height but still, pretty good tall in other's comparison.

He had long hair, not enough long to touch his shoulders but enough to tie together in a man bun. His bangs fell on his forehead, covering it fully that the only thing that anyone can see was the glasses, and his eyes behind them.

His eyes, they were beautiful. Mingyu was sure he hadn't seen someone who had such a beautiful, cat like features. His jaw was sharp, lips thin and skin fairer than that of Mingyu's. He looked like a sculpture, and the taller, all of sudden, had forgotten he could even breath, that inhaling and exhaling was normal human need.

"Really Wonwoo?" The four of them stood up, now looking at the man Mingyu had oogled like a shameless all these while. He had not failed to register the name, 'Wonwoo' that was his. It was cute in a way, like the man in front.

"Don't tell me you have a crush on him." The taller of the four laughed and Mingyu was revived it was asked to Wonwoo than him, he didn't wanted to be busted this early in front of him, it would be embaressing.

And all of sudden when Wonwoo chuckled, Mingyu felt like beside being cute, this man was threateningly cold as well, "More than me, seems like you have crush on him. No?"

Wonwoo had pushed all of them out of their way and now sat in front of Mingyu's side, exactly opposite to where Mingyu was standing, "Oh, by the way," he looked at the four men who glared at him without fazing for even a slightest, "There aren't any place left for me to sit, it's okay if I sit here with you all, right?"

It was more than right, and Mingyu found himself sitting even when he wasn't asked to. It didn't looked like it bothered Wonwoo, not when he didn't even look up to see who sat and who went away.

"Are you leaving or want me to show you all way to outside?" His voice was cold, and the moment he looked up to see at the four men who now grabbed their plates to leave, he only sighed, again focusing on his food when all of them went out like they were never here.

Mingyu was impressed, more than he could ever imagine. It was cool to him the way Wonwoo didn't even raised his voice and all of them packed their bags to leave. And on the top of that, the man in front of him was extremely handsome, too much that Mingyu himself didn't realise how long he had been staring at him.

Since he had been staring him for long enough till the time where Wonwoo had finished his food, he watched him standing up, grabbing his plates by his both hands and turning around to walk before saying, "Stop looking at people like that, it's creepy."


He walked off but Mingyu choked on his own saliva, too bad to be true. It took him a minute to adjust to whatever Wonwoo had said, but the moment he realised, the tip of his ears turned crimson red.

He was embaressing as fuck!

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