Jeongcheol 32

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"Jeonghan-ah! Hurry up!"

At Seungcheol's loud voice calling him while standing on the periphery of their cell, Jeonghan hurriedly wore his slippers and ran in their direction,  Mingyu sighing as Jeonghan finally caught up with them.

As they started moving towards the cafeteria, Mingyu, out of his sheer habit of not being able to close his mouth, spoke, "Well Jeonghan hyung, though i know whatever I am thinking will only happen at extreme conditions, but could you, for a while, not go out alone?"

"Why?" Seungcheol was quick to ask the question, "Are you scared that fucker will come after him again?"

"Not exactly." Mingyu looked as if he was really giving a thought about whether or not he should be as concerned as he was now, "But taking precautions is always better than curing the wounds, no? And you have seen how bad it was last time, Jeonghan Hyung almost cried, maybe not almost cause he definitely cried, we don't want the same thing to happen again, do we?"

The statement, though was said towards Seungcheol, the question at the last was directed towards Jeonghan.

Ofcourse it was all Jeonghan's choices whether or not he wants the same thing to happen again. It depends on what he chooses, and if Jeonghan chooses to be a rebel, that he never did till now, the outcomes will be him suffering in the end.

Seungcheol seemed like he had something to say at that as they walked through the stairs, standing in the line to wait for their turn, but it was Jeonghan who grabbed onto the hem of his uniform, like always, and even before Seungcheol could put his thoughts out, Jeonghan spoke in his low voice, "I'll not go anywhere without you, Just don't leave me alone."

Mingyu though had placed the offer of being protected by both men, but it seems like Jeonghan didn't need his protection. Cause the way he said, eyes lingering on his Coups Hyung, Mingyu knew he wasn't needed there.

His Hyung, he was enough.

And now, whatever Seungcheol was going to say was immensely small in comparison to whatever Jeonghan asked him for.

He'll be beside him, for as long as he can.

Jeonghan though wanted to hear it from Seungcheol himself, his grip on his uniform tightening as they grabbed their plates.

Jeonghan didn't even bother to hold it by both hands, his one hand already tugging Coups's uniform tightly as he asked again, "You won't leave me right?"

And Seungcheol's reply to that was firm, "Not even you asked me to."

Seungcheol's face was indifferent, almost same as any other day but his eyes held something, something like a promise.

Jeonghan could see Seungcheol's unwavering commitment and desire to protect Jeonghan at any cost right in them. It was so different.

The small flattering he felt in his stomach while looking at those beautiful orbs, it was so different. Jeonghan had never felt that before.

Suddenly, Jeonghan crashed right in Seungcheol's chest, a small push from behind making him lose his balance as Coups immediately held him by his waist, "Are you Okay?"

Jeonghan nodded immediately, one hand still holding the food plate while other clenched Coups's shoulders as he steadied himself up. But even before Seungcheol could look behind Jeonghan to see the face who dared to do it, the man with wide eyes, standing just behind Jeonghan caught his attention.

The crowd now had stopped moving forward as they watched the wide eyed man, Mingyu's roommate, bowing down immediately towards Seungcheol as if he didn't intended to push Jeonghan at all.

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