Jeongcheol 23

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Mingyu didn't saw Wonwoo after that, atleast not in a way he would say he preferred.

In all of the time Mingyu was here, Wonwoo was barely visible in front of his eyes. If Mingyu was lucky, he would get a glance of Wonwoo in cafeteria sometimes but that was also becoming hard as the time passed by.

And Mingyu concluded Wonwoo wasn't the one who liked to roam around without any reason. From the people around him, he got to know Wonwoo wasn't fan of crowd as well. He was a loner.

A loner and a crazy if he was depicting what everyone told him about the older.

Weeks passed and Mingyu's urge to see the older increased. He would try to find him in cafeteria, roam around mindlessly just to get his glimpse even for a second and would listen attentively when people talked about him.

In short, his crush for Jeon Wonwoo was increasing in a way that he didn't even realised how bad down he was for that man.

He was still searching for him though, sitting on the edge of the field, outside, while people inside the field played football, catching Mingyu's attention every now and then.

He wasn't alone, well, Mingyu liked to think that he wasn't. There were many people who stood outside of the field and had refused to participate but Mingyu, though he wanted to participate, he didn't had guts to do so.

It was mainly because he wasn't still known to how these people treat a newbie in a game. What if they end up breaking his bones? Mingyu wasn't sure he would be able to take that much of damage, so he stayed outside, suppressing his urge to participate.

"You should participate if you feel like it."

A strange voice came from Mingyu's behind, and when he turned back, he saw Wonwoo.

The man he was trying to take a glance of from weeks.

The older sat beside him, looking straight in the field where bunch of men ran behind eachother, their attention on the ball and Mingyu's attention on Wonwoo. He still looked at him the same way he looked at him when they first met.

Totally shamelessly.

Wonwoo's hair were tied in a man bun, pulling the longer parts away from his face but still, the bangs fell on his forehead, partially covering it. He was wearing his glasses, thicker than what those fancy one in market are and Mingyu concluded he must have a vision problem. Out of all, he looked breathtaking, as same way as he looked when mingyu saw him for the first time. Cherry lips, prominent jaw, fair skin, and smile, that could take Mingyu's breath away.

Yes, he was smiling. And yes, Wonwoo smacked Mingyu's head just to bring him back to earth. The taller looked at the glass bearing man, the one who gave him a look of disbelief, "I have already told you, stop looking at me like a creep." He looked at front, shaking his head in disappointment, "It makes you look like you haven't been near a man from quite a while. You know, short of virgin ghost?"

Mingyu's mouth hung open, face showing how ridiculously true that statement was. He knew it was true by heart, but he still fought back for the sake of his self respect, "I am not a virgin ghost or something!"

Wonwoo let out a small laugh and it make Mingyu's feel the heat transferring into his cheeks. He sure was great at embaressing himself in front of people he liked. The track record were great in his offense.

Not being able to look at Wonwoo for more than three seconds this time, Mingyu looked at front, voice embaressingly low, "Forget about it."

Wonwoo laughed again, and Mingyu could swear it was the most hearty laugh he had heard in a while. He liked it when Wonwoo laughed, atleast he was sure of that thing.

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