Jeongcheol 6

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Coups was silently sitting on Mingyu's cell's floor while scribbling something on his notebook the moment Mingyu entered inside with frowned brows. With a glance towards his direction, the older went back to scribbling on his notebook again, "What happened overgrown puppy? Hit your head somewhere or something?"

Mingyu climbed on his bed, getting closer to his space as Coups was leaning onto the edge of his bed while scribbling, "Your boy.... i did not see him at lunch."

The motion of the pen halted but coups did not looked at the man staring at him from the bed, "So what? Not like he'd die if he wouldn't eat a day."

Mingyu silently sat down in middle of his bed, sighing, "I mean, technically he wouldn't. But as long as I remember, he did not eat anything at all yesterday and even today, he didn't eat anything. Don't you think if this happened at dinner too, he might pass out?"

"Good for him, he'd get to leave this place, even if that's for hospital."

"Hyung!" The younger whined making Coups drop the notebook on the ground and look up at him, "You are too worried as his fellow neighbour. Or is it that you also grew your liking in him?"

Coups's eyes were strangely sharp enough for Mingyu to be cautious of his words. He unconsciously gulped down the saliva formed in his throat as he said, "You know that's not it Hyung. I just came back from your cell and you should have looked at him. He didn't left his place for the whole day, not even an inch. He would not move, would not come out and wouldn't even say anything. I didn't got inside your cell  but i have heard people talking about how he was crying every now and then. It's serious Hyung, he literally might pass out if this keeps happening."

Coups sighed, turning back to lift his notebook and scribble at it again, "What it has to do with us? He said he wasn't weak, let's just see how long he thinks he can last with that thought."

"He is stupid for thinking like that." Mingyu admitted, "He can't fight a single soul out there and he thinks he is strong. But still, we can't leave him like that to die, can we?"

Coups's pen stopped again on his notebook while he paused to think something before answering, "We can.  It's not even that much of big deal."

Mingyu shook Coups by his shoulders, "He is your boy Hyung! You can't leave your crush to die like that!"

Finally feeling frustrated, Coups got up and stuffed his notebook inside his pocket. But since the pen was still in his hands, he pointed it towards Mingyu, "I don't care about what's happening with him but if you said he is my boy again, you'll die of my hands for sure!"


Coups immediately got out of his cell, wondering anywhere so he doesn't have to see Mingyu's face again. But strangely enough, his legs brought him towards his own cell, the man currently standing at the periphery and wondering what was he even supposed to do after coming here.

He slightly peeked inside his own cell like a stranger and still found Jeonghan curling himself on the floor just behind his bed, in the same position as before. Looking at him warily sitting down with dried tears on his cheeks made Coups turn his heels back towards Mingyu's cell. Suddenly, Mingyu's blabbering mouth seemed a lot better to him than watching Jeonghan's tears.

When he entered inside his cell again, Mingyu narrowed his eyes at him, "My majesty, you have been earlier than i expected."

Coups threw his footwear straight on Mingyu's face before going back to sitting where he sat before, "If he doesn't join dinner too, tell me."

Mingyu tossed his slippers somewhere on the floor, "And what my majesty is going to do about it?"

Coups chuckled sarcastically, "Your majesty will dig your grave in his cell when he'll leave for dinner. Any problem?"

"Roger that majesty!"

And as expected, Jeonghan did not showed upto dinner as well.  When Mingyu did not see him there too, his first thought was to run upto his Coups Hyung who was still to arrive at his dinner.

Coups was in midway when Mingyu stopped him in between, shielding him from walking further, "He skipped dinner as well."

Coups sighed. He had lowkey expected this to happened and since Jeonghan did not show up for real, he had to take his words into action.

His heels turned back, climbing the stairs again, "Let's just see what's his problem."

When both of the men stood in front of the renowned cell of Mr. Yoon pretty Jeonghan, Coups opened the gate of the cell, entering inside for the first time in whole day.

The sudden sound in between the wholely silent floor might have worked like a unbearable sound for Jeonghan that he ended up flinching hard, looking back to find coups standing in front of him, Mingyu still standing near the gate of the cell.

Within three seconds of eye contact, Jeonghan looked away first from both of them. The moment he began staring at the floor, Coups asked coldly, "What's with refusing to eat? Do you want to die?"

Jeonghan looked up at him, staring at him blankly for a moment before answering, "I didn't feel like eating."

Coups scoffed, turning back to look at Mingyu to make sure he heard what Jeonghan said before looking back at the man on the floor, "Get your ass up and come down. I rather not watch you die here and haunt me after your death."

Jeonghan this time didn't looked away. His eyes were red, cheeks puffed and nose pink due to excessive crying. His voice cracked the moment he tried to speak again, "I will not go."

"I am not asking you." Coups ordered, "I am telling you, get your ass up and come down."

Tears began forming in Jeonghan's eyes but his voice raged in anger, "Did you not hear me! I said I will not go that means I will not go! Don't you dare pretend you care about me here when all you can do is stand in corner and watch people getting harrassed! Just get out! Right now!"

The cell fell silent again making the only voice that was audible being of Jeonghan's sniffs and crys. Tears keep flowing down his cheeks but when he attempted to wipe them off, suddenly his hair was grabbed from behind, coups had now bended at his level and pulled his hair to make his eyes look at him.

He called him out in a threatening tone, "Mr. Yoon Jeonghan, I am not someone you are paying for taking care of. And guess what, you are right. I don't care what's happening with you or anyone out there. If it doesn't concern me, it's not my business."

When Jeonghan whined in pain, his one hand holding onto Coups's hand which was pulling Jeonghan's hair while the other tried to force it to leave him, only then Coups realised what he was doing.

He silently removed his hands off his hair and stood up, dusting the dirt off his uniform, "Fuck off. I shouldn't have been here in the first place."

When he began to leave, Jeonghan spoke again, "You are coward Coups."

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