Jeongcheol 8

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Coups stood up, his hands still holding Jeonghan's as he ordered, "Come with me then."

When Jeonghan hesitated to get up, coups forcefully made him stand on his feet, dragging him out while Mingyu followed both of them from behind like a puppy running to their owners.

Though Mingyu was confused of what his Coups Hyung intended to do, the moment the older entered inside the cafeteria with already seated people, he knew what exactly his Hyung was upto.

He saw Coups standing in middle of the cafeteria, hands holding onto Jeonghan's tightly while all eyes staring at them with little too much curiousness. People were lowkey suprised when Coups raised his voice, asking Jeonghan who was standing just behind him while clutching on the hem of his uniform, "The face wasn't clear to me yesterday so care to tell me who touched you while you were standing in queue Jeonghan?"

The grip of Jeonghan's hands tightened around Coups's uniform while Coups patiently waited for answer. The whole cafeteria was silent the moment Jeonghan raised his head to look around, eyes landing on a perticular person before he hung his head low again.

"I am asking you something!" Coups looked at the man standing behind his shoulders, the one who was shrinking himself more behind him with every raised tone of sentences.

Finally after a while, he spoke up, hands pointing at the man who sat on the table near the corner.

Coups looked at the man, eyes turning psychopathically mad as he chuckled, "Very well."

He dragged Jeonghan upto the man, making him stand in front of him while he himself stood beside him. The whole cafeteria looked at the three, no noises were made, no sound of breathing was heard, it was like everyone was dead, so dead that nothing was audible beside those pumping heartbeats.

Well shit is always real when Coups is mad.

Coups eyes did not retreated the glare he was throwing at the man who touched Jeonghan yesterday as he said, "Jeonghan, I'll give you sixty seconds. Slap him with all you got or
you'll be in real trouble."

Jeonghan looked bewildered at Coups as if he really didn't registered what he said. The man on the other hand laughed like it was some kind of joke, "You can't stand against me just for a newcomer Coups. Do you even know what you are doing?"

Coups seemed like he wasn't listening to any noise present in the room, eyes murderously focused on the man in front, "You have fifty seconds left Jeonghan, don't make me loose my patience."

The colour of the man's face turned a shade paler when he realised Coups was dead serious. He stood up, trying to clear himself in front of now the real 'lost it' Coups, "Are you even serious Coups?! For him?! What the fuck is he even to you that you are going against your people?"

"There is no concept of 'my people' in my dictionary, understand?" He looked over Jeonghan, "Do you want to die or should I give it in written format? It's an order Jeonghan, slap him."

Jeonghan himself pretty much wanted to do the same thing but Coups telling him to do it was concerning to him at some points. He was scared of outcomes but since Coups had his mad eyes turned to him, he took a deep breath, raising his hands to slap the man only to be grabbed by his wrist in mid air.

He wasn't strong enough, not when there was no food intaken from whole two days. It was easy to torment him at that point but the moment his wrist was grabbed by the man, Coups hands grabbed onto the man's wrist, twisting it such that the man winched in pain and let go of Jeonghan's hands.

And the next second what everyone witnessed was a tight slap on the man's cheeks given by none other than S.coups himself.

The slap was hard, Jeonghan could tell by the way the red imprints of five fingers were left on the man's cheeks, nose bleeding as he looked at Coups in disbelief, or more like eyes filled with anger, "How dare you?!"

Coups on the other hand pointed his finger at him, voice raging in anger, "Did i told you to touch him?! How dare you to think of touching him?!"

The man's eyes were red in anger and embarrassment. The same people who had laughed on Jeonghan yesterday now were the same people who had their jaw dropped and voice silent. It was satisfying to watch their faces, karma indeed slaps and in Jeonghan's case, Coups was his karma.

The embarrassment in the man's eyes soon took turn to the violent side where he grabbed Coups's collar and raged on him, "The fuck you think you are huh?! Just because everyone is scared of you does not mean I will be too!"

Coups chuckled sarcastically, "This is not something a wise man will say Mr. Whatever."

And the next second, Coups punched the man hard on the face, to the point that the stranger staggered back and eventually fell on the ground. When he thought of getting up, Coups poured his plate full of food right on his head, leaving people gasping in horror and Jeonghan's jaw dropped on the floor.

Even Mingyu was taken aback from his own Hyung when he saw Coups punching the man across his face again despite of his head pouring with different liquids. It was bad watching his Hyung sitting on the top of the man, grabbing his collar and punching him like a madman, "Eat it fucker! Eat it until your hunger for everything around you subsides! Tell me if you want more, I have few kicks left especially for your hunger!"

The taller tried to drag his Hyung back, but the moment he made an effort as small as to keep his hands on his shoulders, he was jerked off immediately. Atleast Mingyu could say he felt more of disappointment  than surprise. His Hyung indeed lose his mind when he mad.

There wasn't much time passed before the guards ran inside to seperate them both, people only intervening when they saw the armed guards had already pulled Coups away from the half dead man whining on the floor due to pain, blood seemingly coming out from different parts of his body.

Jeonghan only unfrozen when he realised Coups was now held between the bunch of guards while the man was now being held by the people present in cafeteria. The stranger's condition was way worst, so much that he couldn't even open his eyes.

His condition had made one man feel empathy for him that he ended up taking his side in front of Coups, "Are you crazy Coups?!! What if he died here??"

The older struggled between the grips of the guards, "I wasn't here to play games with him anyway. Good for him he is breathing still when I clearly wanted to kill him right here!"

The man full of empathy had his eyes widened from Coups's answer, "The fuck are you doing this for Coups?! You almost killed him for him?! The man who can't even stand properly on his feet?!"

Jeonghan had no time to feel insecure or conflicted as Coups raged on the empathy man immediately, "Not only him, I'll kill you too if you tried to touch what's mine!" His eyes travelled at each man in cafeteria, visibly red due to anger, "This man right here is mine! you all understand that?! And I swear, if anybody touched him, or even thought of touching him, I'll do way worst than what I did to him!"

Since Coups now was struggling really hard even after being possessed in grip of four guards, he was immediately brought to be dragged out as the man yelled before submitting to the guards, "I still remember all those people who laughed at him! remember if Today was his day, tomorrow can be yours too! So stay away from what belongs to S.coups, for your own safety and good!"

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