Between fear and hope

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"He is strong Stevie. He will fight to come back to you and your mom." His words sound empty even for him, but he doesn't know what else to say or do.
Only now the impact of what he did hits him.

He performed CPR on his father in law, he tried to save his life, but what if he did something wrong? What if he only made things worse? He couldn't live with himself if he did anything that hurt Peter.
He realizes his face is now also wet, not because of Stevie's tears, but his own.

Stevie clings to him, desperate to find a glimmer of comfort or hope, but he can't give her hope. He doesn't even know if there is any. All he can do is hold her, not just for her comfort, but also for his.

"Stop for a moment Stan. Lets see if we have any activity back." The female tells her colleague. 
He pauses his compressions and they look at the monitor.
For everybody in the room it feels like forever, but suddenly a smile appears on Stan's face.

"We have a rhythm! Lets get him stabilized and then to the hospital. He's not out of the woods yet."

Trudy drives home from her sister who has a sprained ankle, so Trudy went over there to help her with her groceries and prepare some dinner for tonight. This way Carol will only have to heat it up.

Carol asked her to stay for dinner, but Trudy feels like she should be getting home to Peter. She is worried about him, in all the years they've been married he has never looked as poorly as he did before she left.

She knew Stevie was almost there, otherwise she would have never left, but she never lost that nagging feeling, that little voice in her head that kept telling her it wasn't just a cold or the flu.

She turns the corner into their new street, but when she comes closer to their house she suddenly sees blue, flashing lights.
She reaches their driveway and her entire body turns cold. There's an ambulance parked in front of the door and their front door is open.

Faster than ever she parks the car and jumps out, just as she wants to run inside, two paramedics push out a gurney with somebody strapped on to it.
She can't see who it is right away until they push the gurney passed her and she sees her husband on it, his eyes closed and his face a grayish color.

"Oh my god, Peter? What happened?" She asks as she sees Stevie come out, supported by Daniel and Melissa who is being held by Seb. They all have tears running down their faces and look very shaken up.

"Stevie!!! What is going on?" She calls out desperate to know more.
"Mom?! Oh god mom! He just collapsed." Stevie starts to sob again when she sees her mom.

"You are his wife?" The female paramedic asks her.
"I am yes. What is going on with my husband?" She walks next to the gurney to the ambulance.
"Your husband had a heart attack followed by cardiac arrest. He has a pulse again now, but we need to get him to hospital as fast as possible. You can ride with us."

Her words feel like a knife being stabbed into Trudy's heart. Like her heart stops beating as well.
Her husband, her soulmate, his heart stopped.
Does this mean she is going to lose him? That can't be the case, he is so young and healthy. There's no way he is going to die right?

Without looking back she climbs in the ambulance and as soon as Peter is secured in the back the ambulance takes off with the sirens wailing.

"Follow them. We will call Tina to let her know you guys won't be back any time soon and then we'll meet you at the hospital." Seb tells Daniel.
Daniel pulls his car keys from his pockets and pretty much drags Stevie to the car.
"Thanks Seb!" Daniel shouts after helping Stevie in the car and then he runs to the drivers side to get in.

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz