Chapter Fifty Two

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Parker's eyes began to flutter open, she felt horrible, but she was definitely alive. She groaned out in pain feeling unable to move from her current position. There was a loud crash making her bolt upwards in alarm. Her eyes locked onto Robyn was standing in the doorway seemingly shocked at the sight in front of him. A tray of tea and biscuits laid around his feet. "Oh my god" he breathed.

Parker watched as he flung himself towards her and wrapped his arms around her aching body. "Thank god your alive" He managed to splutter. If Parker was correct it almost sounded as he were crying. "Nice to see you too" Parker smiled. "How are you feeling? Do you need any pain killers? What about something to eat? You must be starving!" He questioned away. "I'm fine Robyn, maybe a paracetamol would be nice" she chuckled.

"I don't think some paracetamol will be strong enough to help ease your pain" Robyn responded, shaking his head. "Oh?" Parker responded. "But other than the pain, how are you feeling?" Robyn inquired. "I feel fine, why? Is something wrong?" she hesitated raising an eye brow. "Uhh, no... not really. Barely a scratch" He responded very slowly. It was almost as if he was choosing his next words carefully.

"I'm sorry ask, but what happened exactly?" Parker questioned flopping down into the cushions feeling exhausted. "Well, when I woke up, I looked everywhere for you. I discovered my extraterrestrial garden was completely demolished and I went on a search to try and recover you. I'll be honest I didn't think you would have survived such a devastating event" Robyn admitted.

"I'm a lot tougher than I look" Parker chuckled. "You sure are kid" he responded. "Also, I'm pretty sure Priya was the reason I came back in one piece" Parker hummed turning her face towards the ceiling. Robyn chuckled and then went silent "Who?" he finally asked. "Haha, doesn't matter" Parker reassured. "What happened to Tom?" She asked quietly glancing over at him.

"Tom is what I presume is dead. There was no sign of him in the ocean or out of the ocean" Robyn responded quietly. "Well, that's good" Parker hummed in response. "I'm just glad you're alive... but there are a few problems. You know what? We can discuss them later" Robyn assured.

"Problems? I feel fine... well except for the pain in my body" Parker complained. Robyn gave a chuckle then looked away avoiding her eyesight. "I feel so out of it... how long have I been asleep?" she questioned. "A few days, you were lucky not to have slipped out for a couple of years" Robyn admitted.

"That's very true" Parker nodded. "Alright, I bet you're starving. I'll go start making you a curry, you're going to need a lot of energy to recover" Robyn mumbled. Parker nodded and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you, I appreciate it" she hummed watching him stand up and leave the room. As he did, she pulled her arms into view. The blackness that had covered her hands had spread up her arms but now it was more of a brown colour.

In a way it looked as if she had a small bit of Ida within her. Perhaps Ida would help guide her new journey in life. Looking at her arms she couldn't help but admire how natural it looked compared to how shadowy it was before. "Thanks Ida" she whispered pressing her hands onto her chest.

She couldn't help but wonder if her interaction with Priya a dream was just. It felt real but maybe it hadn't been real? Perhaps her dying brain needed to come up with a scenario to help her ease through life to death. She didn't know and maybe she'd never know. Parker breathed a heavy sigh and closed her eyes relaxing. She was ready for the next great thing what ever it maybe. For now, she was contempt with just resting.

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