Chapter Eighteen

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A few days had passed, and Parker had slowly let down her guard. She was slowly getting to know this man better. Yes, he seemed very odd, but when questioned, he seemed to go on into some exciting stories. Parker had asked if she was the first to have come here in which his answer was no. Many people had come to the mansion, been treated or decided to live there for a short time.

He told her about the world he had travelled and the places he had seen. The people he met and his life within the town. Parker was unsure of what to make of him. He hadn't tried to hurt her, and if she showed any discomfort, Robyn would walk away to give her space. He didn't seem like too much of a threat, except that he wouldn't let her leave until she could walk properly.

Parker was sitting in the old rustic kitchen watching Robyn preparing vegetables. "From everything you've told me, you must be pretty old", She finally decided to say. Robyn just nodded and continued chopping away. "So, how old are you? 50? Late 40's?" Parker questioned cocking her head to the side in curiosity. Robyn turned his head to look up at her. He stayed silent for a few moments as if thinking about his words. "'40s to '50s is old to you?" He stated bluntly.

"Well yeah?" She responded with a half smile. "Well, you're going to be in for a real shock when you hit forty-five", he chuckled, chopping some vegetables again. "I won't live that long... it's much too old for me," Parker huffed. "You don't have much of a say in that, I'm afraid, kiddo", he laughed. It was clear that this conversation immensely entertained Robyn. But, on the other hand, This made Parker very annoyed.

She didn't like when adults treated her like a child or took her words as a joke. So she decided if he was going to laugh at her, she was going to leave. Parker twisted on her seat, making Robyn flinch upwards. "And where are you going?" Robyn questioned, placing the kitchen knife aside. "If you're going to laugh at me or make fun of me, I'm going to leave", Parker huffed, trying to pull herself to her feet. "I wasn't making fun of you", Robyn replied bluntly.

Parker pulled herself up finally, but as soon as she stood, she collapsed in pain. Robyn stood up and walked over to Parker, who had her arms crossed and a sad expression on her face. "Do you need some help?" He offered to get down to his knees. "No", She hissed, trying to sound as angry as possible. "Are you throwing a tantrum?" He asked. "NO!" Parker glared, rolling to her side to ignore him.

"You don't do very well interacting with others, do you?" Robyn sighed. Parker stayed silent in return. "Do you want me to leave you on the floor?" Robyn asked, ready to stand up and return to what he was doing. "No", Parker sighed, finally giving up and deciding there was no point in getting mad. Robyn then helped her back up onto the seat. "You're right, though, you know, "Robyn hummed, sitting down and returning to his cooking.

"About what?" Parker questioned reluctantly. "I am very old. A dinosaur," he chuckled. "You're a crusty dusty dinosaur? Like museum old? Or I'm a grandpa old? You don't sound as old as a grandpa," Parker added, trying not to sound too rude. Robyn just chuckled but didn't give a reply.

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