Chapter Thirty Three

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"Where are you off to?" Parker questioned looking up from her book. Robyn who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen was wearing a bunch of bags. "Collecting" he responded. "Collecting what? Rocks? Trading cards?" Parker hesitated. "No, rare herbs and minerals around the world that only come out around this month" Robyn responded. "Around the world? Won't that take forever?" Parker inquired raising her eyebrow.

"You amaze me. It's almost as if you've forgotten that I use magic to do most things" Robyn sighed. "Fair point" Parker mumbled. "Can I come with you then?" Parker inquired. "Nope, way too dangerous" Robyn responded turning and walking away. Parker quickly scrambled to her feet to follow him out. "Please? I'd like to see the world too!" She argued a slight excitement in her voice. "Not today, maybe someday in the future" he reassured.

"Fine" Parker sighed crossing her arms stopping in the hallway. Robyn stopped and turned to face her. "You can hold down the fort while I'm gone, I promise I won't be too long. I'll be back before the end of the day" Robyn promised. "Fine... I'll take care of the house" Parker mumbled. Robyn was silent for a minute.

"Thank you" Robyn hummed pulling Parker in for a hug.

"I'll see you when I get back, and please try to avoid going outside" Robyn hummed putting his hand on her head and messing her hair, "Hey!" Parker huffed waving his hands away. Robyn chuckled then turned and left the house.

She waited a few minutes waiting to be sure Robyn had left before saying in a mocking tone "And avoid going outside" she then huffed and went searching for Robyn's cane. She found it easily as he had left it in the lounge room. She grabbed it then watched as the cane became the staff. She chuckled as she headed back into the hallway. "Yeah, I'll avoid going outside" she snickered as she headed for the back door.

Once outside Parker began to focus on summoning blue balls of light and throwing them directly at the wall. She was feeling pretty disobedient today. No rules for this wild girl. Parker breathed in a breath of fresh air and sighed. She sat down on the ground and pressed her hands into the grass. What a beautiful day she thought.

The smell of the outside world was comforting. She felt as if the garden was a secret dream that only she knew about. Birds were singing a beautiful song and ladybirds were dancing around the flowers. Parker watched the ants carrying some food back to their nest. It was amazing to see how alive the garden was.

Parker stood up and stretched before grabbing the staff and summoning the blue light magic once again. She threw the blue light once again towards the wall. A crack started to form agains't the hard rock. She stopped to admire here handy word. Then thought about making a Parker was here with the blue light against the wall. She thought better of it.

"My, my you are getting very good at that aren't you little lamb" Tom laughed from on top of the wall. Parker snapped upwards in surprise. Parker was almost too stunned to speak which made Tom burst out into laughter. "Uhh... Robyn's not here right now" she hesitated. "My, you don't say" Tom replied lazily watching her from the wall.

"But I didn't come to see Robyn; I've come to see you little lamb" Tom smiled softly resting his head in his hand with a dreamy sigh. "Yeah, no thank you" Parker muttered quickly turning away to head back to the house. "What a shame, I was going to show you something of interest" Tom sighed in disappointment.

Parker stopped in her tracks, slightly upset at herself for even thinking about what she was planning to do next. "I'm listening" Parker hesitated. "I'm willing to share the truth about Sophie if you are willing to come with me" Tom purred. "I already know what happened, Robyn said you murdered her" Parker whispered glumly.

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