Chapter Twenty Five

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Parker breathed in the warm air gazing up at the ceiling. She hadn't slept at all. She had seen too much, and now many questions were burning in her mind. She couldn't seem to understand all these crazy things now entering her life. Was it so hard to believe in the impossible? A noise startled her from the hallway, making her bolt upwards. Robyn opened the door and then froze. "Oh, your awake!" He stated, sounding almost surprised. "I didn't sleep", Parker sighed, flopping back onto the couch. Placing a hand on her hot forehead. "How are you feeling?" Robyn questioned, making his way over to her. "Icky, I guess", Parker admitted. "May I ask why?" Robyn hummed cocking his head to the side. "I don't know...." Parker mumbled.

Robyn sat on the couch next to her, gazing at the girl. "Would you like to talk about these feelings?" Robyn offered. "What are you? My Phycologist now?" Parker retorted, sitting up and moving away. "If you're not ready to talk about these things, I can understand that, but I am here for you if you need me", He reassured. Parker breathed a long heavy exasperated sigh. "Let's just jump to the training while we can", Parker breathed a heavy breath standing up and walking over to the door. "Right", Robyn nodded, walking over to her.

"I must warn you before you learn to use magic. There is some very intense training you must go through first. If your body is not fit enough, I fear the magic will corrupt you and try to make you an object of evil. So we must train you mentally and physically to be strong. I don't even know if mortals can use magic," Robyn said sheepishly. "Well then, this should be interesting", Parker hesitated. "Indeed it shall", Robyn nodded.


Parker had no clue that Robyn had his gym in this house until today. "Now, Parker, a warrior must always keep herself on her feet. Are you ready?" He asked, facing towards her. Parker nodded and then positioned herself as she had seen in the movies. "Come at me", He invited, waving a hand for her to move. Parker raced towards him, ready to throw her best punch, but before she knew what was happening, Robyn had already moved quicker than her, and right before her eyes, Parker was being flipped onto her back. She gasped in pain when the wind was knocked out of her lungs. "Are you alright?" Robyn asked, sounding a little concerned. "I'm not being too tough, am I?" He inquired, bending down to look at her. "I'm fine", Parker whimpered, trying to regain the air in her lungs.

"You're unfit", he stated, watching as she struggled to get herself off the ground. "Yeah? Well, you just an as, "Parker began but was cut off by Robyn. "I don't condone any foul language under my roof, young lady", He scolded. She could hear slight anger in his voice. "Sorry, but that was painful", Parker seethed, pulling herself up. "Should be. If you are to defend yourself, you must learn to do such things to your opponent," Robyn informed, getting up.

"Again, but this time I will come at you. Ready?" He asked, lowering his stance. "No?" Parker hesitated while wondering if that was an option. "Parker, use your opponent's strength against themselves. It would be best if you become stronger," Robyn advised. With that, he darted across the mats. Parker felt fear strike through her as he moved towards her. Parker tried to deflect the first blow, which hit her arm. She stepped back in pain, and before she knew what was happening, she had fallen back down to the ground, her back stinging with pain.

"You're one of the weakest opponents I've ever had", Robyn sighed, shaking his head. "What can I say? Self-defence training isn't covered in gym class," Parker breathed. "Oh yes! You're still in school, aren't you?" Robyn hummed, sitting down. "Yeah, and?" Parker mumbled, pulling her aching self up. "I forgot all about your studies. I can't have you falling behind your human peers. No, that will not do," Robyn hummed in thought. "School doesn't matter to me", Parker admitted sitting up next to Robyn.

"Oh? And why is that?" Robyn inquired, turning to face her. "It's never really been my thing. Guess I've always been too busy for it," Parker admitted, gazing down at her scrunched-up hands. "Because of your Mother, correct?" Robyn asked, leaning closer. "No, no. Of course not. Wait... maybe?" Parker hesitated. Now come to think of it, she was always busy helping her Mother. "I", Parker stammered now in thought. Had it only been about her Mother? "Food for thought", Robyn chuckled, placing a gloved hand on Parker's head and messing up her hair.


"How's your swimming?" Robyn questioned, leading Parker down the hallway. "I haven't done it in a while. But I can swim," Parker assured with a smile. "Oh good! Then this might help you become physically stronger. I sometimes find it's best not to start on land," Robyn chuckled, stopping at the door with cracks. The cracks had been filled with gold paint; in Parker's opinion, it was pretty beautiful. "Is there anything you don't have in this mansion?" Parker questioned as Robyn opened the door revealing a staircase. "You'd be surprised", Robyn laughed, leading the way down.

Down under the ground was a large pool. Longest Parker had ever seen, "Woah... that's impressive", she gaped. "Isn't it? Do as many laps as possible, and then I'll get you to rest up. But, of course, training also involves resting and knowing your limits," Robyn hummed, standing to the side. "How should I swim?" Parker questioned, watching as he twirled his cane. "Any style you like, just as long as you are building muscle, I don't mind" Robyn nodded. "Should be fun" Parker smiled as she lowered herself into the pool. "God! Is the water always this freezing?" Parker yelped, holding her arms.

"You'll warm up", Robyn reassured, watching her bobble in the water. "If you say so", Parker mumbled, trying to ignore the freezing water. Parker began to swim, making her way to the other end, grabbing hold of the other side, her teeth chattering. The water felt so cold she could feel her limbs becoming numb. "Feeling any better?" Robyn called out from the other side. "Not yet", Parker stammered, trying to push past the pain now cramping her legs. "Odd", she could hear Robyn muttering to himself. Finally, Parker pushed herself away from the wall and began to swim back to the other end. She was barely keeping herself afloat.

Parker winced as she felt her blood start to turn into solid ice. Was this normal? Indeed, this was safe. Otherwise, Robyn wouldn't have led her here. She tried to push all the doubts in her mind away. She was fine and just overreacting. She knew she'd warm up, given time, and everything would be fine. "Parker?" Robyn called, sounding slightly concerned. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine" Parker smiled, unsure if she was okay. "Stop being such a baby", Parker mumbled to herself, continuing down the lane.

She grabbed hold of the first end, shivering uncontrollably. Robyn tapped his cane, and she watched as it became a thermometer. "Parker, I need-"Robyn started, but before he could finish, Parker had already pushed away from the side, starting on the next lap. "Water's fine", She barely managed to utter through her chattering teeth. She continued down the enormous swimming pool. Robyn sunk his cane into the water before letting out a loud gasp and tossing his cane to the side. A loud splash could be heard, making Parker stop in her tracks. Had she witnessed a plague doctor jumping into a swimming pool? Robyn emerged from the water, letting out what seemed to be a spluttering noise.

"Parker, stay where you are!" He yelled as he began to swim over. "I'll try", Parker whispered as her vision started to blur and go dark. The next moment when her eyes opened, she noticed everything around her was dark, and she couldn't breathe. Bubbles floated upwards, and her body and blood froze, unable to move. She could hear movement in the water from above her. Was this it? Was she foolish enough to die by drowning? This was her own doing. She should have stopped and said something about the temperature. Was she doomed never to see anyone again? Her Mother? Aunt Linda? Uncle Mark? She felt uneasy but let her consciousness start to fade from existence and accept the darkness as the ringing in her ears abruptly stopped.

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