Chapter Forty Six

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"Parker!" A very blurry voice called quietly. Parker looked up in the darkness. "I know that voice" She whispered. She reached out her hands trying to navigate her way through the darkness. Where was it coming from? "Parker!" It came more loudly. The world started to shake around her and a small light started to shine through. "ROBYN!" She cried out loud remembering who that voice belonged to. She began to run in the dark void trying to see something, anything.

"Parker!" He repeated, Parker's eyes began to open. Everything seemed to be blurry. She blinked and could feel cold water drip out of her eye. She rubbed away the tears that were sitting in her eyes. Robyn got down to his knees to be at Parker's level. "Are you alright? You were crying and calling for help in your sleep" Robyn informed very softly. "I-I was?" Parker questioned confused with no memory of calling out for help. "I thought it was best to wake you since nightmares aren't really a good thing" Robyn hummed.

"Tom... It was Tom!" Parker cried out getting to her feet. "Parker, Tom wasn't here... It was just a nightmare" Robyn assured trying to calm her down as he stood up. "No, no it wasn't. I saw him he said that he wants me to fight him tomorrow and then he gave me your cane" Parker exclaimed frantically.

"Parker, please calm down... you're alright, he's not here" Robyn once again assured. Parker took a breath trying to calm herself down. "You're probably just really stressed from recent events. Sometimes you just need a good meal and a lie down to help take it off your mind" Robyn hummed as he rested a gloved hand on Parker's shoulder.

"You're probably right" Parker hesitated unsure if that really was the case. "That's settled then, come on. Let's get you back to your room and then I'll go get you something to eat" Robyn beamed leading her back inside the mansion. It was late evening, and the sunset was very vibrant. "You didn't come back very soon like you said" Parker mumbled quietly. "I did, I was only gone for twenty minutes but you were asleep, and I decided not to wake you" Robyn responded with a slight chuckle.

"I've been pretty tired lately" Parker admitted with a smile. "I can't blame you" Robyn nodded. Parker looked at the walls to see that the paintings had all changed. "Um... Robyn?" Parker gulped as she stopped. "Yes?" Robyn hummed as he stopped as well and stood next to Parker. "The paintings... they've" Parker started "Changed? I know, they change frequently, and I don't know why. They could be triggered by emotions or events... I'm still not very certain" Robyn admitted looking up at the now dark ominous paintings.

"Let's just ignore them for now" Robyn suggested pushing Parker along down the hall. "Yeah... probably a good idea" Parker nodded. They finally reached Parker's bedroom. She felt a little more relaxed now and breathed in a breath of air. Robyn opened the door and Parker stepped inside. She gasped in shock and took a step backwards. Robyn looked up over to the bed. There sitting on the blankets was Robyn's cane, its smooth wood shone in the evening sun making Parker feel faint and sick.

"Robyn" Parker whispered. "I know..." Robyn responded quietly. Robyn closed the door quietly as they stepped back into the hallway. He then turned to look at Parker "Did he have anyone else with him when he met with you?" Robyn inquired. "Yes, his pet called Teddy... It looked like a dog in a way" Parker responded almost in an instance. "Damn it" Robyn breathed looking away. "Robyn?" Parker hesitated. Robyn looked down back at her with a sigh.

"It was a beltarn... they are a type of demon used to break magical barriers when a fight has been set" Robyn explained. "Oh..." Parker breathed. "In other words, we are completely doomed right?" Parker winced. Robyn looked down at her silently as if wondering to tell her the truth. "No... we're not... we still have time to prepare" He reassured clapping his hands together. "That's what we'll do... we don't have much time" Robyn stated as he turned and started to hurry down the hall.

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