Chapter Twelve

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Parker couldn't help but admire the structure, it was old for sure and could have used some cleaning, but at the same time, she admired whatever architect built the place. A mysterious feel to the atmosphere made Parker think she was a part of an exciting novel. She did like mystery novels. They always had that charm to them.

Parker jumped slightly at some movement to her left but then realised it was only a spider moving on her web. Parker chuckled somewhat at her silliness and snapped a photo of the spider and its web. She was definitely impressed with the pictures she had got. If these didn't make her story one of the best, she didn't know what would.

The entire mansion was a maze. It seemed it would be easy to get lost. She wasn't even sure what floor she was on anymore. Parker had been climbing stair after stair, going up and down repeatedly. While exploring the strange mansion, she noticed that the building would change into a more modern architect and an even more rustic antic way. It was almost as if someone had been trying to restore the old building.

The coldness started to seep through the walls, and Parker shivered slightly. Even her jacket wasn't keeping her as warm as she hoped it would. Perhaps it was time to start heading home? Parker shook the thought out of her mind. It was way too dark to leave, and the rain was so heavy that she'd probably drown before returning to her Aunt's and Uncle's place.

Parker stopped in front of an old painting on the floor, not hanging on a beautiful garden wall. She cocked her head to the side, admiring the beautiful artwork. There were trees with all sorts of colours, and the sky was a pinkish purple. Butterflies flew around some old tables and chairs that looked as if no one had touched them in years. She couldn't help but wonder who the artist was. They had a natural talent.

Parker snapped a photo of the painting. Her phone couldn't capture the garden's elegant beauty, which was strange. It was almost as if the picture didn't want to leave its portrait and adapt to the times. She stood up, brushed all the dust and dirt off her jeans that had gathered, and then looked around again to see if she had missed anything. After a second of scanning the hallway, she decided that perhaps she had enough photos. Parker sighed, then turned on her heel to find a place to sit down and begin her writing journey.

Parker walked down a flight of stairs and then took a right, walking into a large hallway. She was too busy to pay attention to her surroundings as she flicked through the photos on her phone, she had to admit she wasn't the best photographer, but at least she had these references for her short story. Parker closed her phone, now paying attention to what was around. She shone her phone touch down the hallway squinting in the darkness. 'Had it gotten darker? There didn't seem to be much light in this hallway', Parker thought. Parker stopped in her tracks, unable to make out her surroundings. She squinted, making objects out in the darkness.

Parker's light started to flicker, and she whacked her phone, hoping to get it working. Deep inside, she was feeling slightly anxious, but she did her best to remain calm on the outside. "Stupid light", Parker hissed quietly. The light went back to normal. Parker felt a wave of relief and then continued slowly down the hallway. She came to an abrupt halt as soon as she saw a door not so far away fling open. Parker's heart leapt into her throat, with fear creeping up her spine. Maybe it was just the wind that opened the door?

Those thoughts quickly left her mind as her eyes settled on a very tall figure of a man stepping out of the door that had just opened. A heavy feeling pushed Parker down, she could move, and she could seem to say anything. But, instead, she was frozen, unsure of what was happening. Parker wanted to run away as fast as she could and scream at the top of her lungs, but she couldn't. She was pinned at that moment.

The man in front of her hadn't noticed her yet, but she knew it would be a few minutes before she'd be caught. He wore a black gas mask with strange black clothing that looked almost vintage. His breathing was heavy, the breathing you hear when people need oxygen. Parker's heart had stopped, and her knees were about to collapse under her weight.

Parker's hands were hot and sweaty. She could feel them shaking uncontrollably. The phone slipped from her hand, and time suddenly became prolonged as Parker watched in horror as her phone fell to the ground. CRASH! The man snapped around, now full attention on the panic-stricken girl. Parker turned on her heel and began to run. She slipped and tumbled but somehow stayed on her feet by some miracle. She couldn't remember which way she was supposed to go. Where was the exit?

Parker skidded around a corner to another hallway, still running for dear life. Her eyes seemed to be getting worse as the darkness enclosed her. She could barely see and kept tripping over bumps in the carpet and stumbling when she thought she was about to trip. She couldn't help but slightly regret dropping her only light source. But, then again, she didn't exactly have time to grab it and be on her merry way.

Parker scrambled around, unsure if the man she had seen was following her, she turned her head slightly, and in her peripheral vision, she could see him following her. Parker felt faint at the sight. She had never realised how slow she was at running until now. One thing was for sure. She was not going to die in the Crow Forest house. But she was determined to make sure she wouldn't.

Parker wondered if she was too young for a heart attack or heart failure as right now, her chest was screaming in agony, and Parker wasn't sure why. Fear always made Parker feel unwell, her head was spinning, and her stomach was rolling. She felt as if she was going to pass out any second. Her vision was becoming blurred, making Parker panic even more. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she passed out right now.

Parker skidded down into a hallway she didn't recognise. Was she supposed to have gone left or right at the last intersection of the hallway? Her mind wouldn't stop racing, and she could feel his heels on hers. Parker wished she had a light source right about now. Parker suddenly felt her body lunge forward through the air as she tripped on something. Her eyes began to focus in the dark, and she felt her stomach drop into darkness as she flew down a large marble staircase. Her leg hit one of the marble steps causing a loud snap. Tears swelled in Parker's eyes as pain stung through her leg. Parker's body then slammed into each step on the way down as she tumbled.

Her eyes moved quickly to see her head falling towards the last step. Of course, this would happen. This was just Parker's kind of luck. "WELL SHI-"Parker began to swear. Before she could even finish that sentence, Parker's head slammed into the final step knocking her completely unconscious. Her limp body sprawled on the checkered marble floor.

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