Chapter Thirty Five

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Parker limped through the hallway, still following Robyn. She placed her arms around herself, trying to warm up. "I better take care of that", Robyn sighed, gesturing towards the wound on her leg. "I don't know if I want you stitching me up. You seem angry at me," Parker hesitated, glancing down at the floor.

"Parker, I'm not mad. I need to treat that," Robyn responded reassuringly. "Stitch or bandage?" Parker questioned, her eyes darting upwards. "Bandage" Robyn sighed. "Thank god, I would have said no way if it was stitches" Parker breathed. "Let's go" Robyn hummed, grabbing Parker and leading her to his office. "Well, at least it's not broken again" Parker chuckled nervously.

"That is quite true. I would have had to kill you myself if you had broken it again," Robyn muttered quietly. "Uh..." Parker responded, unsure if he was making a joke or being entirely serious. They reached Robyn's office pretty quickly. He hit a switch on the wall, and the entire room sprang to life. Machines started to roar to life, and small medicines fell out of the cabinet. Parker looked at the small doctor's room. It had been forever since she had last been in there.

"Sit down" Robyn hummed, gesturing to the examination table. Parker nodded. She pulled herself up onto the cold hard table. Parker then watched as Robyn pulled some disinfectant out of the cupboard. He grabbed a small bowl and poured some of the liquid in.

"Parker, I need to be able to see the wound on your leg" Robyn mumbled, focused on the task. "I have some shorts in my room" Parker mumbled. "No, no, I don't want you to ruin your good clothes" Robyn sighed as he opened a small cupboard and took out some pyjama shorts. He tossed them over to her.

"There's a small bathroom over in the corner?" Robyn gestured, still frantically rushing around the office. He wasn't kidding when he said the bathroom was tiny. She slipped into the small room and closed the door behind her. Her good jeans were utterly ruined, which she felt annoyed about, but again, she was thankful to be alive. After slipping the pyjama shorts on, Parker folded her destroyed jeans.

As Parker exited the small bathroom, she noticed Robyn had finished mixing up the liquids in a small bowl. "This will sting" He admitted quietly. Parker nodded, bracing herself for the pain.

Robyn then proceeded to dip a piece of cloth into the disinfectant. Robyn then gently dabbed the cloth onto Parker's wound; she bit her lip as a strong stinging sensation took hold. The pain wasn't as bad as she had imagined. She watched as he removed the cloth and dipped it again into the liquid. When the disinfectant touched her wound this time, a potent pain began to plummet deep into her injury, making her gasp and retract from Robyn.

"Damn, that hurt" she swore in a loud voice. "Look, I know it hurts. But if I don't disinfect it now there could be dire consequences," Robyn responded again, applying the cloth to the wound. "How about I do it?" Parker offered eagerly. "Definitely  not, we both know you won't be getting a. Wef the infected areas because it's too painful" Robyn responded.

"Drats!" Parker hissed, glaring down at Robyn. He quickly removed the cloth and dipped it again into the disinfectant. "I don't want you to put that on the wound again" Parker admitted placing a hand to cover her open flesh. He froze for a minute, then cocked his head to the side. "I promise, one more time and no more disinfectant, ok?" Robyn hummed. Parker winced and removed her hand. Once again, the searing pain engulfed her flesh. It was like a roaring fire was swimming underneath her skin.

A small tear dripped down Parker's face and she quickly wiped it away, trying to be stronger than she was. "Alright, you should be fine. The wound is all cleaned out. Now it's time for me to go get the sewing kit," Robyn sighed, standing up and walking over to the bench. "Wait, sewing kit? I thought you said we were bandaging, not sewing?" Parker pipped up her voice shaking in panic. "I only said that because I knew you wouldn't take lightly to stitches," Robyn admitted.

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