Chapter Twenty Eight

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Parker was trying to immerse herself into a book that Robyn had given her. So far, the start seemed to drag on forever. It was hard to focus on such a book. She breathed a heavy sigh and placed the story down on the bench as she did, so her eyes glanced up to Robyn, who was working away. "Whatcha doing?" Parker inquired, leaning forward on her seat. "Making dinner," Robyn replied as he continued his cooking.

"Do you like food?" She asked, throwing questions around out of boredom. "No, food and beverages have no taste to them anymore for me. I technically don't need to eat or drink," Robyn sighed, walking over to a cupboard and grabbing some tomatoes. "If you don't need to eat or drink, and there's no taste to anything, why do you drink tea?" Parker hummed in curiosity. "Why do anything? I do it because I can," Robyn explained. "Well, that's not a good reason", she huffed, crossing her arms.

The plague doctor just let out a small chuckle as if he were almost amused. "Is there a reason you can't taste anything?" Parker inquired. "Yeah, my curse", Robyn stated bluntly. "Alright, now let me ask you a question. Are you trying to procrastinate on purpose?" He sighed, turning round and placing his hands on his hips. "Whatever are you talking about?" Parker hesitated, trying to act innocent. "I gave you a book to read to keep your mind sharp", He pointed. "Yeah... but it's boring", Parker admitted pushing the book away.

"It gets better. You need to keep reading it," Robyn urged. "A book with five chapters dedicated to domestic life and no drama or adventure is not worth reading", Parker huffed. "I assure you, sometimes you need to understand the characters and their lives before going on their adventure," he hummed, sitting opposite Parker. "I'll read it later. My brain isn't in the mood for reading," she mumbled. "Alright, how about an hour of free time? Then you can get back to reading?" Robyn suggested.

"Sounds good to me. I have a bunch of questions for you anyways," Parker admitted. "Alright, what would you like to ask me?" He hummed, waving his cane in the air and lighting the stove to boil the kettle. "Well, first, do you hate being alive? You've lived for so long. Are you tired of living?" Parker hesitated, wondering if this was a question she was allowed to ask. Robyn was silent momentarily before finally moving to a pose to express his thoughts about what to say next.

"Yes and no, I have seen the world fall and rebuild itself time and time again, but if I hadn't been alive, then all the people I helped, and all the things I did wouldn't be here either, and I've made an impact on a lot of things" He hummed. "Wow, that was very well put" Parker complimented, almost stunned at the response. "Thank you, I guess I've had plenty of time to think of these things" he admitted.

"Do you think that the things I've done will matter? Is that why we're alive to accomplish things that will make a difference?" She asked, now feeling nervous. She had never really thought about life having meaning before now. "No, I have met many and heard so many people claim they know the meaning of life. In truth, I've found I don't like what humans think the meaning of life is," He muttered. "Then what is the meaning?" Parker questioned, leaning forward on the edge of her seat in wonder.

"Why does it have to have a meaning? What if you were alive just for the sake of being alive? What if every small moment is more important than you think? You may believe you need to accomplish something big or great. In truth, I consider you being alive right now is the biggest accomplishment anyone can achieve". Parker stared in awe at such a statement.

"Parker, never question the meaning of life. There is no meaning. It is whether or not you are happy with your life. Do the things you love. They are what give life a spark," he added. "I never expected to hear such a thing in my life", Parker admitted straightening up in her chair. "You have a strange outlook on life" She smiled. "I've seen humanity too many times waste their entire lives trying to find purpose and meaning. You do begin to change your outlooks," Robyn admitted.

Robyn stood up and continued to prepare the dinner he was working on earlier. "So what are you making?" Parker inquired, standing up and walking over. "I'm cooking cannoli with a small twist. I find tweaking recipes always adds a bit of surprise," He hummed. "Yeah... This is coming from the man with no taste buds, though," Parker hesitated. Robyn stopped in his tracks. "Ah... yes... fair point" He murmured.

"Just stick to the recipe" She advised with a slight chuckle turning back to continue reading her book. "You might be right on that one" he agreed. Parker picked up her book and began to walk away. She now felt a little more happy with her life, knowing she didn't have to achieve anything and that living in this world was enough.

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