Chapter Twenty Nine

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For the next few days, Robyn continued to teach Parker the ways of magic. She felt she'd never be able to create that blue light he kept instructing her to summon. At this rate, Parker was sure she had no magical abilities inside of her. Yet, for some reason, she refused to give up. "Try straightening your back a little more" Robyn advised. "Robyn, for the last time, my posture isn't the problem", Parker growled quietly.

"I beg a differ" Robyn sighed. Parker just rolled her eyes and kept waving the staff around. Robyn flopped down into an armchair, quietly watching Parker and deciding that it was better to butt out of her way. Finally, after a few minutes, something happened that spark Parker had felt the other day tingled through her fingers. Suddenly, a blue light flashed on the staff's top.

Parker froze to the spot in shock. She hadn't expected the magic to form just so suddenly. A grin spread across her lips, and she turned towards Robyn, who had sat up straight, also surprised. He didn't say a word. Parker moved the staff, making the light bounce away and start to dance around her. She chuckled slightly, so happy to finally have magic running through her.

The light bounced off the walls and then danced back to the staff. It disappeared as quickly as it had come. "That was unexpected" Robyn admitted, not moving from his chair. "I know. That was amazing. I didn't think I would ever create that light," Parker grinned. "Can you do it again?" Robyn inquired. "I think I can" Parker hesitated.

"Alright, one more time and then we'll call it a day", Robyn hummed, resting his head in his hand. Parker nodded, then moved the staff around, trying to recreate the magic. She breathed a deep breath in and then out. She had a slight fear that the small blue light had gone forever, and she'd never be able to do it again. "Take your time. It's ok if you can't get it straight away," Robyn encouraged.

She nodded, trying to keep her fear down. She started to panic a little as the light wasn't coming back, and she couldn't feel that spark through her hands. She breathed a heavy sigh, relaxing her body slightly. 'Don't stress. You got this,' she thought to herself. She glanced over to Robyn, who was holding a thumbs-up. Parker smiled, and within seconds that spark came back.

She gasped as the blue light flung from the staff. This light felt different from the last. It wasn't responding to what Parker wanted to do. She watched in fear as the blue light bounced off the walls, the roof and floor speeding up and forming dark clouds around the room. Robyn shot up from the chair, clearly worried. The staff dropped from Parker's hands and onto the ground. The chairs and tables in the room began to fly up into the air. Parker stumbled and fell to the ground in fear.

"PARKER!" Robyn yelled, about to head for her, but the thick cloud blocked him. "ROBYN!" Parker called out, trying to see through the darkness. There was a loud crash from above, Parker's eyes darted upwards, and before she could process what was happening, degree started to plummet towards her. Robyn came flying out of the darkness and swooped Parker into his arms. He flew his hand into the air and a bright yellow light. The light formed into a shield protecting the two from any harm. "Are you alright?" Robyn inquired, looking down at her.

"Yeah... I think so... what happened?" Parker breathed slowly. "You're not used to using magic. It's most likely the stress it causes to your body bouncing off," Robyn explained. "Oh ok... wait, your using magic" Parker hesitated, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I am. I've learned to use magic without my cane," He explained. Parker gave the nod and then stayed quiet. "This will happen occasionally, just know it's not your fault" Robyn reassured.

"I didn't know that magic could be like this" Parker admitted looking sadly at the dark storm clouds surrounding them. "Magic is just like everything else. It can be dangerous and useful," Robyn hummed in response. "I guess that makes sense" Parker nodded. After waiting a few minutes, the storm began to die, the degree fell to the floor, and everything turned silent.

Robyn picked the staff up, and Parker watched as it turned back into his usual plague doctor's cane. He waved the cane, and the golden light surrounding them began to melt away. "Thank you" Parker thanked sheepishly, looking down at the floor. "Think nothing of it, my dear" Robyn assured with a slight chuckle. Parker felt bad. She hadn't meant to destroy the entire room. "Right, you go rest up. I'll tend to this mess," Robyn hummed, shooing her out of the room.

"Look, I feel awful about all this. How about I help?" She offered. "No, no, it's ok. You go rest up, maybe have something to drink from the kitchen," Robyn suggested waving her out the door. Parker watched quietly as the door shut behind her. She breathed a heavy sigh and then wandered down the hallway. She felt terrible about what happened, but maybe it wasn't her fault.

She reached the kitchen at the end of the hallway and entered the rustic-looking room. She then began to rummage through the pantry to find some apple juice. It took her a few minutes, but she found a small juice box near the back. She loved the taste of the juice, and for some reason, she was craving it right then. Parker sat at the wooden table and popped the juice with her straw.

She couldn't help but reflect on the events. She didn't know of this power hiding inside of her. She felt afraid of what she could potentially do if this power were to take over her somehow. A bubbling cauldron of caution was brewing inside of her. She pressed her hand against her heart, wondering if this was the right path to continue. What would her mother think if she saw her now?

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