Chapter Forty Eight

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"Parker" Robyn's voice came. Parker sat up, the sky outside the window was light but the sun hadn't risen yet. "Is... is it morning already?" Parker hesitated, rubbing her tired eyes. "Yes... it is, come... we must go" Robyn instructed holding out his hand for her. Parker took it and they walked out into the hallway. "I don't know when you fell asleep but please tell me you trained last night" Robyn hesitated. "I did..." Parker responded quietly. Her footsteps echoed through the hallway; they were lighter than Robyn's, but each step felt like it was being dragged to a death sentence.

Parker could feel a lump of fear rise in her throat, the fear began to grow and expand throughout her entire being. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest desperate to escape and runaway. Her hands were shaking, she wasn't ready, and she didn't think she would ever be ready to fight Tom. "Don't be afraid, we can do this" Robyn reassured as he squeezed Parker's hand in comfort. Parker nodded trying to also stay positive. "How do we know what time he'll arrive?" Parker inquired as Robyn opened the back door and allowed Parker to step outside into the back yard.

"We don't, we can only wait with patience" Robyn responded. Parker stood next to him clutching the staff tightly in her hands, she felt ready to take down all the evil in the world if she had to. The cool morning air left a slight chill on Parker's arms as it flowed slowly through the grass and trees. She shivered but shook the feeling off. The sun finally rose above the horizon, it's light spread throughout the land. Parker gave a sigh calming her nerves.

"Be ready... Tom likes to strike unexpectedly, it's not unusual for him to show up out of the blue" Robyn hummed. "Don't worry, I am ready" Parker reassured. "You better be because trust me, all hell is going to break loose in this fight" Robyn grimaced. "Don't worry we'll win" Parker smiled, a smile felt very out of place for this situation. "Ugh that smile was really false, I'm so sorry" Parker apologised. "It's ok I didn't see it... I'm blind" Robyn responded bluntly. "WAIT WHAT! You're blind?" Parker gasped in shock. "No, that was a joke" Robyn replied looking over at her.

"YOU JERK!" Parker hissed punching Robyn in the arm. Robyn chuckled slightly as he clutched his arm. "I guess now really isn't the time for terrible jokes" Robyn apologised. "That wasn't even funny so it's not a joke" Parker sighed rolling her eyes. "Right... sorry" Robyn hesitated. She couldn't help but chuckle, he also joined in and they stood there for a minute laughing like maniacs. "Ok, we got this" Parker muttered straightening up.

The trees in the distance began to shake and the Earth trembled. Parker almost fell over because of the trembling land, Robyn caught her with his hand and helped her to her feet. She gave him a nod then quickly got ready for the fight. A huge demonic creature parted through the trees letting out a low, deep growl. Robyn and Parker looked up at its head where Tom was standing.

"HELLO DOWN THERE!" Tom called with a playful giggle. "I don't think I ever introduced you to my beautiful pet Robyn, this is Teddy" Tom cooed as he scratched the enormous monsters head. Robyn and Parker didn't respond. Tom looked down at them with a smile, "Well I did try to be friendly but enough with the introductions, Teddy baby you do what you do best!" Tom laughed as he pointed towards the mansion.

The huge monster pulled its front legs up and smashed down onto the magical barrier Parker watched in horror as the barrier became visible and started to shatter as it did Robyn cried out in pain clutching his chest and falling down to his knees. "ROBYN!" Parker yelled out as she fell down at his side grabbing his arm. "Robyn are you alright?" Parker questioned worriedly.

"I'm... I'm fine" He tried to reassure. The monster once again smashed it's paws onto the barrier. Robyn grimaced, his body was shaking, he was clearly in agony. "Robyn, what's happening?" Parker questioned urgently trying her best to help him. The beast broke the barrier as it did Robyn fell to the ground making no sound and no movement.

"Robyn? Robyn! Wake up!" Parker ordered shaking him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Robyn can't hear a thing you're saying" Tom giggled. Parker looked up and over at Tom. The monster began to lower it's head so that Tom could be down at her level. Parker glared at him as he touched the ground in seconds gracefully like a dancer. "What did you do?" Parker shot standing up with rage. "Making the odds even, I'm not making my Teddy fight so why should I allow you to use my Robby Boo to fight?" Tom cooed.

Parker didn't respond but pulled the staff up ready to shoot the most painful beam of light at Tom. "Oh, come now sweetheart, can't we have a little chat before your untimely death" Tom giggled, he clicked his fingers. Parker almost had a heart attack as they both flew up into the sky. Two chairs and a table began to melt into existence from nothing seating both the girl and the demon. The table and chairs shot up in the air, Parker's eyes darted back to the ground.

A tea pot and two cups then snapped into existence floating above the table. "Coffee?" Tom offered as he rested his head in his hand and the tea poured itself. "No thank you" Parker responded feeling nauseas as her eyes focused on the ground down below. The teacup flew towards her making Parker lose her grip on the chair to catch it, Parker looked worriedly down at the ground. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall" Tom laughed as he clicked his fingers once again.

The sky then began to swirl around them dissolving into a large room, Parker felt chills run up her spine since the large room was very cold, a chandelier hung above them. Tom's eyes were now glowing an orange yellow, and he had a very sinister lazy smile placed on his face. "I know how important you are to my Robyn Honey" Tom hummed in a sickly-sweet voice. "Robyn Honey? That's a new one" Parker scoffed crossing her arms. "I'm willing to compromise to make my little Robyn Boo happy" Tom sang. Tom quickly ducked out of the way as she threw her cup at him, "Damn, I missed" Parker scowled.

"Any way as I was saying" Tom giggled as he straightened himself up. "I have an offer for you" Tom chuckled as his eyes began to glow even more. "Oh great, an offer" Parker rolled her eyes sarcastically. "Hear me out" Tom hummed with a smile. "You could fight me and die or you could become a demon" Tom giggled playfully. Tom ducked as a huge knife went flying towards his head. "A demon? I will never be anything like you! You're a monster!" Parker roared grabbing another knife and throwing it at Tom.

"Ok, where are all these knives coming from?" Tom hissed as he quickly flew out of the way of another kitchen knife. "The kitchen back at the mansion duhh" Parker responded with a glare. "Right, any who! What do you say my dear?" Tom smiled in a sinister way. "First off no, second off no way and third I hate you and I think I'd rather die" Parker responded. "Your answer?" Tom inquired. "It's a no! Never! Not in a million years!" Parker responded. Tom gave a pretended hurt look and sighed as he moved his brown hair to the side. He wasn't ugly on the outside, but he was a demon meaning on the inside he was one of the most hideous evils to exist.

"C'est la vie, rejected again" Tom sighed, "Ok yeah, yeah can we skip from the part where you are hurt because I rejected you and go to the part where I win the fight" Parker glared. "Gladly" Tom laughed clicking his fingers. The large room disappeared, and they were once again outside the mansion. Parker looked over at Robyn who was still out cold. "I'll always leave my option open for you sweet Lamb" Tom smiled. "It will always be a never" Parker glared.

"Well then... I'll have so much fun destroying and tearing your limbs from limbs... It will be fun to mail Robyn a few things from our fight to give him nightmares" Tom giggled. Parker had a sickening feeling she was going to be the mail if she didn't win this fight. "In your dreams" Parker hissed as she waved the staff. "Oh, this is going to be fun" Tom smiled.

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