Chapter Thirty

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Parker was swinging on the seat swing out in the backyard. Her eyes were focused on the gorgeous blue sky. She couldn't believe how surreal everything felt. It was almost as if she was at peace with everything. With her Mother, she was always so stressed, and she couldn't take a moment to relax. With her Uncle and Aunt she felt they were a constant reminder to keep worrying.

She hadn't seen her Mother in a while and wondered whether or not she was recovering. She pondered on the life she'd have after her Mother was better. What was next? Go back home to the big city and forget everything? Parker felt a little saddened at the idea. She'd grown fond of the beautiful countryside, from the quiet and stillness to the charming people. Perhaps she could convince her Mother to move to the small town?

What about Robyn? Would she have to forget him? She didn't like that idea. Maybe she'd visit him at least once a week. She smiled at the lovely thoughts that wandered through her head. What a precious life it would be. Parker sighed heavily and closed her eyes, sinking into the swinging couch cushions. The soft sun gently caressed her face. What a wonderful day!

"So you're the new pet", Came a playful voice. Parker's head jolted upwards at the strange voice—someone sitting on the high back garden wall. A man was on the wall lying on his stomach, his feet dangling in the air and his head resting on his hands. Their eyes met, and a malicious smile slid onto his lips. Parker couldn't help but feel a little uneasy at the sight of him. He had a strange perfect thin, toned body. His dark eyes seemed to be as dark as space itself. Little sparks of stars shone in the void of his gaze.

"Pet?" Parker retorted, raising an eyebrow. He let out a tiny gasp covering his mouth as if he said too much. He sat, an innocent look crossing his face. "You didn't know? Oh wait, you probably think you're my little Robyn's friend. Oh, how cute" He giggled. "You're Robyn?" Parker repeated hesitantly, standing up and slowly walking towards the wall in interest. "Do you need to repeat everything? Need to repeat everything back," the man chuckled, sounding amused.

"Uh... well, it was lovely meeting you, but I'd prefer not to talk to strange men", Parker muttered, taking a few steps back from the wall. "Oh, sweetie, I'm not a stranger. I'm an old friend" He winked. "No, I don't think you are", Parker stammered, trying to make it clear she was uncomfortable by the man. "Wait... Has my Robby not told you who I am? That's very typical of my Robby boo," The man sighed.

"Well, then! I guess I better introduce myself. My name is- "he began. "Tom", Robyn seethed, walking out into the garden. Both Parker and Tom snapped their gaze to Robyn as he stormed over. "Don't be afraid. He can't harm you," Robyn reassured softly to Parker. 

"You know him?" Parker gaped. Robyn looked down at her in silence. He placed both his hands on her shoulders and dragged her close to him. He then turned his attention over to Tom. "Leave this place, you filthy animal" he growled. "Filthy animal? My, my Robyn... to be honest with you, I was hoping you would say something along the lines of, Hello, Tom Darling, I love your new shirt," Tom sighed, sprawling out dramatically on the wall pulling a hurt expression. Parker could feel Robyn's grip on her shoulder tightened.

Parker whinged a little as the pain on her shoulder began to hurt. "Robyn, you're hurting me" Parker whispered, glancing up at him. Robyn didn't respond but continued to stare off in Tom's direction. Parker had no idea what was going through his mind. "That little pet of yours is cute. I can't wait to look at her later," Tom teased. Once again, Robyn's grip tightened this time. Parker grabbed his arm and pulled him away from her shoulder. Robyn glanced down and whispered an apology. Something in his voice made Parker afraid. Was his voice trembling?

"My, my Robyn darling. It looks like I struck a nerve with you. Well, in that case... Some day I promise you this. When you're distracted, I promise I'll take your little light of hope far away and dispose of her inhumanely," Tom laughed. His laugh made Parker shudder. He seemed more like a monster than anything. Robyn wrapped an arm around her protectively. She could tell even he was afraid.

"Parker, go inside. I'll meet you there," Robyn growled, pushing her behind him. "Robyn, what about- "She began, but he waved his cane, and she flew back to the door. "Inside! Now!" Robyn ordered. His voice was deep and filled with anger. She gave a quick nod and then raced inside. She couldn't imagine what Robyn would do to their unexpected guest.

The way that mysterious man talked to her, it was almost as if he was messing with her on purpose and luring his prey in with false comfort and bittersweet lies. It was almost as if she had nearly touched death, danced with the whispering winds of meadows far beyond. She shuddered, unsure of what he was capable of and what would happen next.

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