Chapter Twenty One

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Parker's eyes flickered open, a cold breeze greeted her, and the smell of lavender wafted around the room. She sat up, trying to process her surroundings. How long had she been out? It took only seconds for her to recognise the bedroom. So before disappearing to the crow forest house, this is where she had been staying. Without a second thought, Parker pulled herself off the bed and went down the stairs to ensure she hadn't been dreaming.

Aunt Linda and Uncle Mark turned quickly when they heard Parker enter the room. They almost seemed surprised at her presence. "You're awake!" Aunt Linda stated bluntly. She seemed almost surprised by the sudden encounter. "Parker..." came an unfamiliar voice from behind. She jumped in surprise as a police officer was standing in the lounge room right behind her. "Yes, that's me" Parker hesitated.

"Nice to meet you. I'm the chief of Police here in this town. When you went missing, I was assigned to your case. If you don't mind, I'd like you to answer some questions and give me full detail of your disappearance," The man stated, sticking his hand out. Parker stared at the plump officer, his eyes were dark, and his skin was wrinkled. She could see little indents all over his face—presumably, acne scars from when the officer was younger.

"I'm sorry, Officer, but right now, I'd like to rest a little and spend some time with my family", Parker sighed, stepping away from the man. She felt slightly uncomfortable by how he was observing her. "I say, that injury on your leg wasn't there before you disappeared, was it... I don't suppose you'd like to share the story that goes along with that?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow. "I don't-"She began but was cut off by him. "Look, kid, I just need a bit of information to take back to the station, and then I'll be out of your hair", He urged.

"I'm sorry, officer, but she doesn't want to answer. Please leave our home at once. Parker needs to rest," Aunt Linda snapped, stepping forward and pushing Parker to the side. The man looked ready to argue, but after a minute of contemplating, he decided to keep his mouth shut. "Maybe later", he hesitated as the policeman stepped back to leave. He wished the family a good evening, then turned on his heel and disappeared.

Aunt Linda walked over to Parker and dragged her into a hug. A drop of water splattered down onto Parker's head. She realised her Aunt was crying very quietly. Was she happy to see Parker? Parker felt confused. This was the woman her Mother had told her was an evil sister who wanted nothing but to condemn Parker and her Mother to a lifetime of misery. Yet here, standing in the dining room, was a woman who seemed almost shattered at the thought she had nearly lost her niece. Parker felt her arms shaking as she brought them up close into a hug.

She could feel Uncle Mark watching the two and hear his shaking breaths behind her. Was he crying too? She could feel Aunt Linda tighten her grip on Parker as if she were afraid she would lose her all over again. "We didn't tell your Mother", Aunt Linda's shaky voice finally blurted. "We knew she'd be heartbroken if she thought she had lost you". "Thank you", Parker whispered. She felt numb but unsure about everything. How would her Mother have reacted? She couldn't help but wonder.

"We can see her tonight if you would like?" Aunt Linda smiled, bending down to Parker's height. Tears were still streaming down her face. "I'd like that", she nodded. Parker turned to look at Uncle Mark, who had red eyes and was trying not to cry. Didn't she know this side of them at all? Were these the two she had known? Or had she walked into some alternate universe? "I know you've been through a lot, but where were you, Parker?" Her Aunt sobbed desperately as if trying to get closure over the last few weeks.

"The crow forest house", Parker responded. "The what?" Uncle Mark replied in a perplexed tone. "Sweetie, what's the crow forest house?" Aunt Linda asked, tightening her grip on Parker's shoulders. "Is it a cult of some sort? Did a cult take you?" Aunt Linda cried, pulling Parker close. "It's the house down the road", Parker responded, feeling her blood run cold. "The one that sits outside the town that way", Parker pointed, looking at her confused Uncle's face. "Parker... there is no house in that direction" He hesitated.

"What? No... That's not true. It's a huge mansion sitting on the outskirts of town," Parker exclaimed, slightly worried. "You said it was a house?" Uncle Mark responded quietly. "No, it's called the crow forest house, but it's a mansion", She rushed, now panicked. "There is no mansion outside of town", he repeated. "Mark! Please give it a rest! She's been through a lot!" Aunt Linda sobbed, hugging Parker tighter. Now a million questions were racing through Parker's mind. Had she gone crazy?


Parker sat in silence as the car sped along the highway. Rain was splattering down on the vehicle like hail on a tin roof. Uncle Mark was driving as Aunt Linda was too shaky to do much. She shuffled in her seat to look back at Parker and reached out her hand. Parker took it and looked into her Aunt's red eyes. She squeezed Parker's hand gently as if checking she was real. Parker smiled softly back at her. For some unknown reason, this smile felt more natural.

She watched the darkness outside as she let go of her Aunt's hand. Had perhaps the last few weeks been a long dream? Maybe she had fallen into a coma in the woods or something. It didn't seem likely because she looked pretty healthy, and she was sure she'd be dead if she slept that long. Still, it didn't make sense. The only person who knew about the crow forest house was Matthew, and she hadn't seen him since she returned. There was too much to do before catching up with everyone.

Parker pushed her head against the window watching the rain splatter down. Her brain was raving, wondering if everything she had experienced was just some crazy dream. But she knew it couldn't be. It was all too real. Parker pushed her hair back as the hospital pulled into view. She shuddered to know her Mother was inside. A new feeling was overtaking her, she couldn't understand it, but she didn't want to see her Mother anymore.

Maybe it was because she knew she'd see an even sicker woman inside. Or perhaps she feared her Mother getting better. Did she not want to go back? What was wrong with her? Parker tried to ignore these new thoughts and feelings. When the car came to a stop, the trio stepped out of the vehicle. Aunt Linda took hold of Parker's hand, and they walked in together. Parker didn't feel alone anymore. Instead, now holding her Aunt's hand, she felt more substantial than before.

Through the hospital hallways and up the elevator. They were only a few steps away from Amelia's room. Aunt Linda let go of Parker's hand and stopped, unwilling to go further. Parker stopped also and looked back at her Uncle and Aunt. "Are you coming?" Parker questioned, glancing around. "It's best if we don't, dear. Your Mother would probably prefer to be with you" Aunt Linda smiled calmly. Parker nodded and left the couple standing in the hallway. She brushed her hand along the wall feeling her way to the wooden door frame.

She peered into the dark room where her thinly now decaying Mother was lying. Parker felt sick as if she were about to throw up at sight. Her Mother moved slowly, bringing herself to a sitting position. Amelia outstretched her arms, beckoning Parker forward. Parker hesitated for a second, then slowly walked over to her Mother. "Mum?" She chocked. Something in Parker knew that this would probably be the last time she saw her.

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