Chapter Twenty Seven

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Parker didn't know what to expect from the day, she awoke to the birds chirping outside her window and a frost in the air. Her eyes opened naturally as if she knew the time to wake. At first she stayed still wondering if she had woken too early. She sat up half expecting for Robyn to be sitting in the arm chair waiting for her to wake-up. Parker was pleasantly surprised at how she was completely alone in the room.

Instead of going back to sleep Parker decided now was the perfect time to get up and get ready for her eventful day. She first drew open the curtains gazing out at the pleasant early morning. The sun had risen which explained the chill in the air. The only light came from the horizon out on the distance. The colours danced like whispering pastel nymphs. She pressed her hand against the cold window pane. She shuttered from the sensation. As Parker pulled away from the window, she heard the door behind her open up.

"Oh! Your awake" Robyn gasped in surprise halting to a stop as he entered. "Yeah... morning" Parker smiled slightly. "You look much better today" Robyn complimented. Parker rolled her eyes as she replied"I look good everyday". Robyn let out a small chuckle but didn't say anything else about her appearance. "Alright, lets head over to the kitchen. Training on an empty stomach isn't recommended" Robyn hummed. "Sure, I could go for a cup of coffee first" Parker muttered in response following Robyn as he walked out of the room.


The first of the training didn't seem too bad to Parker she had finally started to get the hang of her self defence. She was able to keep standing with every hit that Robyn gave, he had taught her how to deflect these attack protecting ones self from harm. When it was her turn to throw the attacks Parker couldn't seem to land a single hit on the plague doctor. It was almost as if he knew what she was going to do before she even attempted anything. She watched in awe as Robyn moved faster than she thought. It was quite an amazing thing to see but it made Parker feel embarrassed.

"Robyn, how do you know what exactly I'm doing before doing it?" She finally questioned after a while. "Easy, you've been throwing the same attacks on repeat. You can't only fight one way you need to think differently be unexpected" He responded as he knocked her down onto her back. "How on Earth can I be unexpected if you know what I'm planning?" Parker questioned raising an eyebrow. "I'll teach you but for now, you need to focus more on your defence" He exclaimed.

"Right" Parker sighed pulling herself to her feet. "Would you like to go again?" He inquired cocking his head to the side. "No, I was doing a lot better today but I think I threw off my game when you knocked me over" Parker replied. "Your opponent would never yield even if you were on the ground. You're lucky you only have to train with me" Robyn chuckled throwing Parker a water bottle. "Sure am" she nodded with a small smile before walking off to go sit down for a while. She was covered in beads of sweat and the poor girl felt exhausted.

"Parker?" Robyn hummed slipping over quietly and taking a seat next to her. "Yeah, what's up?" Parker responded glancing up at him. "Perhaps defence and offence training can be put to the side today and maybe you'd be interested in learning magic" He suggested reaching into his pocket and throwing some glitter above him. "D-do you just keep glitter in that pocket?" Parker stumbled flabbergasted at what had just happened. "Yes I do" He nodded. "Uhhhh why?" Parker hesitated. "Why not?" Robyn responded. "Ok then and in response to that question yes, that sounds amazing" Parker nodded. "Alright, when you're ready" Robyn hummed standing up and walking away.


"I'm sorry what?" Parker gaped unsure of what he had meant. "Exactly as I said, take my cane and create a blue light" Robyn explained again calmly. "Does it have to be blue?" Parker inquired quietly. "Yes it does, blue means you have the spark of magic" Robyn explained. "Ok, and how do I summon magic?" She inquired. "Your inner strength feel your core and use the muscles to summon everything from within" Robyn tried to explain. "Uhh... ok?" Parker hesitated again. He tossed his cane over to the girl and she caught it. Parker gasped as his dark wooden cane began to glow and change shape.

The wood became a golden brown, the small hourglass at the top began to grow and the wings on the cane began to stretch out shifting into a new shape. A piece of string glowing like thread wrapped itself around the cane. She watched in awe as a piece of the wood began to crack and out of the crack grew a small clock showing the time. Small lights like firefly's dancing grew on the string and it changed colour. It was no longer that small cane but a beautiful long staff. "Woah!" Parker gasped unsure of what to think. "Pretty cool ey? I designed my cane to change with the holder" He chuckled crossing his arms. "Cool? This is so awesome!" Parker grinned stretched her hand to feel the cane. "Alright, just like anything magic takes time to learn, it's like learning to walk for the first time" Robyn hummed stepping back a little.

"Alright, so shouldn't be too bad" She muttered moving into a different position. She tightened her grip on the staff and closed her eyes, she tightened her core muscles and began to envision the blue light, she focused on her breathing hopping that if she believed enough that the blue light would magically appear. She listened for a sound anything that would give her a clue if she had summoned magic. Her eyes shot opened when she felt a hand pushing her back up.

Robyn was now behind her trying to fix her posture. Was now really the time to fix her posture? "Um Robyn?" Parker squeaked quietly. "Sorry, good posture helps with magic using. That and also, I don't want to see your spine ruined in a couple of years" He hesitated. "What are you, my Mum?" Parker inquired lowering the staff and placing a hand on her hip. "If I was you would have better posture" He commented. "Ok, mind your business about my spine, I stand however I want. Now if you don't mind, I'm trying to summon that light" Parker shooed as she pushed Robyn away.

He went silent but continued to watch. Parker once again got into her position, she closed her eyes once again and breathed in a sharp breath of the cold air. She tried strengthening her core once again and focusing on what she wanted. The cold air twisted around her lungs planting the oxygen deep in her lungs like birds spreading seeds. Blue flowers emerged from within her. She felt a spark zap out of her fingers making her flinch dropping the staff.

Robyn cocked his head to the side as he watched Parker who was gazing down at the staff in surprise. "What's wrong?" He questioned moving closer. "I... I felt it. A spark of magic" She gaped. "Well that's a surprise. Not exactly a blue light but I'm still proud you were able to do something" He chuckled picking up the staff. Parker watched as it transformed back into his dark cane. "That's enough for today" He hummed outstretching his hand. Parker took it and together they left the room.

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