Tiny Little Drabble Thing

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Razz awoke to being elbowed in the ribcage, quite hard. "Oww. That hurt. What do you want?" He asked his bed partner sleepily.

"Could you give me more space on the bed, please?" Echo asked.

That should have shot up a red flag, since Echo was never actually polite, but he was too sleepy to register it.

Razz shifted over slightly.

"More," Echo said.

He moved again.

"A bit more"

A final shuffle ended with Razz on the floor.

There was a small chuckle from Echo. "About there is good, thanks." Asshole. They turned over in the bed, stealing all of the covers and leaving their boyfriend on the floor.

Razz was fairly annoyed, that was his bed. Quietly, he got up and cranked up the thermostat. Let's see how you like all the covers now, bitch. He laid back down on the floor next to the bed, figuring Echo would bother him when they got too hot.

It only took an hour for Echo to overheat. She was mildly amused by Razz's antics. So that's how we're gonna play.

Echo dropped the cover over the side of the bed and then proceeded to lay across her boyfriend.

There was a heavy weight on Razz when he woke up. He wasn't quite sure what it was a first, but he know he couldn't move.

"Morning, darling," Echo said, despite the fact it was the middle of the night. She shifted a bit so Razz could see her. The shit-eating grin on his girlfriend's face told him everything he needed to know.

"You fucking bitch, let me up!" Razz shouted. He attempted to struggle, but all of his limbs were immobilized.

"Hmm, let me think about it." There was a long silence until Echo spoke again. "No"

Resigned to his fate of being a bed, the pinned skeleton simply went back to sleep. Of course, not before vowing revenge. Echo was pleased with winning and finally got off of her boyfriend, snuggling beside him and finally falling asleep again.

I really want other people to enjoy this. It is unofficially part of the Broken Hourglass universe but I'm posting it here because it really isn't relevant and I want more people to see it. See ya, imaginary people

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