Congratulations - PG

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(I haven't done Inkmare in a while. It's some crack to make up for the messed up stuff I did in the last update.)

3rd Person POV

A clang sounded as Nightmare tossed two items at Ink's feet. He smiled smugly as the creator looked down at the discarded items, a golden circlet and a blue bandanna. Both items had a considerable amount of blood and dust on them.

"It's over. I win," Nightmare said. "Just give up now."

Ink looked at him, at the object on the ground and back to him. "Ok, you win."

Nightmare was furious. "What?!"

"You heard me. You won. Congratulations, the multiverse is yours."

Now, Nightmare was extremely confused. This wasn't supposed to work. Ink had to fight him. How dare he take away all the enjoyment of the victory. What an absolute indignity!

Somewhere in the middle Nightmare's pity parade Ink had started leaving. "Excuse me! I killed your friends! I'm going to destroy everything you have been protecting."

Ink didn't even turn to look. "And good luck with that. I'll see ya."


Nightmare sat seething on his chair. "That stupid creator, who even cares what he does?"

"It sure sounds like you care an awful lot," Dust  replied to the obviously rhetorical question.

This sent Night on a tangent. "How dare you accuse me of not being happy that we won, because I am. How dare Ink make it not fun. I deserve to enjoy this victory that I have been working towards for years. I'm gonna go give him a piece of my mind."

He teleported to an abandoned AU where he knew Ink liked to hang out. Sure enough, there he was, laying in a hammock, drinking out of a damn coconut. This made Nightmare even more furious. He walked right over and stood over Ink.

"Excuse me, you're blocking my sun," Ink said, hardly caring who it was that interrupted his peace.

"That's what you care about?! You're a sore loser! Get your butt out of that hammock and fight me!"


Suddenly the creator's lack of emotion clicked with Nightmare. "You haven't been taking your vials, have you?"


"Take your damn vials!"

"I would, but I don't want to"

"Take them!"

"I'll take my vials if you get me a Earl Grey tea."

Nightmare immediately took off to go get the tea, if that what it took to get that stupid squid to take the damn vials, then he would do it.

After boiling the water, he realized that he should find out what to put in the tea. Error happened to be walking past, so Nightmare dragged him into the kitchen.

"What is it?"

"This is important, what does Ink put in his tea?"

"How am I supposed to know?! We fought; we didn't have tea parties...........but just honey."

When Nightmare got back with the tea, in record time by the way, Ink was still waiting.

"I brought you tea, now take the vials, and fight me."

Ink grabbed the teacup from Nightmare. "I can't. I lost my sash." He slowly sipped the tea. "This is wonderful by the way, clover honey?"

"Mixed wildflower actually. Also, YOU LOST YOUR SASH?"

"I just can't remember where I put it. Unless...."

"Unless what?" At this point, Nightmare was hanging on every word. He desperately wanted to make Ink drink the vials, so he could have his win.

Ink tilted his head back and forth, drawing out the silence. "There might be some things that could help me remember." He handed Nightmare a scroll. "Maybe start with the first thing on there and if that doesn't jog my memory, just move on to the next thing."

The list sent Nightmare around the multiverse doing and getting so many things, his head was about to explode. He finally had to grab something from the mansion and his whole team was waiting for him.

Cross was the first one to speak. "Where have you been?"

"I've had to run around the multiverse to get the stupid creator his stupid stuff so he can remember where his stupid sash is. It took 3 days to get a damn cheesecake because he's apparently lactose intolerant but space cows are ok! So I had to find some cows and move them into OuterTale to get freaking space milk because they can't sell it at the grocery store!"

They all laughed at him until Night was so furious they finally realized that he was serious.

"Congratulations, you got played," Killer said.

Nightmare teleported back to Ink's hangout spot. "You lied to me!"

"You're just now figuring this out?"

"You better drink the vials right now, or Im killing you regardless."

"Wait! I just remembered where my sash is."


"But, I'll only tell you where it is if you buy me dinner."

Nightmare had not gone through all of that to lose, so he agreed. "Deal"

"7:00 sharp. Don't be late."

Nightmare was making himself a little more presentable before the dinner when he saw his group spying from the doorway. "What are you idiots doing?"

"Hey boss, getting ready for your date?" Horror asked.

"It's not a date!" Nightmare replied, very defensively.

"It looks like a date."

"It's not a date!"

"Congratulations, you have a boyfriend."

"I hate you all."

This was so much fun to write. Also, the normal sort of Inkmare is boring, I enjoyed writing this. Hopefully you all enjoyed reading it. See ya, imaginary people.

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