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Here is where you can put requests. I don't have that many rules.

If you want to give me a storyline leave it open ended and vague. I need some creative license.

Don't be overly specific, I feel way pressured to do exactly what you want.

Tell me if you want fluff, angst or crack. Or leave it up to me, I'm cool with that, but tell me.

I love me some polyships so don't be shy about it. I also like weird ships. Please don't request Kreme I really just don't like it. I'll write if I want it. Also don't request Crossmare often. I've read enough to last me a lifetime.

You don't even have to give me a storyline, I'm happy to just go at it.

Please don't get upset if it takes me a bit, I'm a human and I somehow have a life outside of this.

I won't take requests for part twos of requests. I will take requests for part twos of non-requests as long as there's something I can build off.

(Edit, since I decided on more rules) I won't do a single gender swapped character. It's cringe and they're gay. I will definitely write them as lesbians but the only two's gender I will change is Ink and Geno, and even then Geno would be non-binary and Ink is genderfluid.

I also won't take like way overly AUd, it's not fun, but I am happy to listen to a multiverse idea from you if you want something specific.

And I won't take requests involving OCs

(Surprise Edit:) Please give me a rating either PG or PG13 (I will allow a couple of M rated requests but please do it sparingly) I want to know if I'm allowed to curse or not.

Anyway, request here.

See ya, imaginary people

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