Horror x Blue - M

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[Of course it's in polyship universe. That's the default for anything remotely naughty (love how I said it like that) This starts out fluffy and then gets questionable, read at your own risk]

3rd Person POV

Horror ripped open the flour bag with his teeth, much to the protest of his baking partner boyfriend.

"That's gross and unsanitary; you kiss me with that mouth," Blue complained, while measuring the wet ingredients for the cake they were making.

"You let me kiss you, so now who's fault is it?" Horror retorted.

Across the counter from each other, was a very good spot to have a play fight from. It's quite useful to be able to see both your task and the opponent's face.

Blue didn't have any response to his boyfriend's teasing. Sometimes Horror could be smarter than everyone gave him credit for, but only sometimes. 

Blue without any words, picked up one of the extra eggs and threw it at Horror. It landed hitting right in the face. Rather than being angry, Horror took it as a challenge. He picked up a handful of flour and threw it at Blue. Direct hit.

And it was on.

Ingredients were flying everywhere, making a  giant cloud of white power, which then turned into a glue substance when it came into contact with the water, milk, and eggs, that were all over the previously clean kitchen.

"Oh now you've done it," Blue said, maybe a bit harsh, but it was obvious he was only playing. He charged at Horror, leaping over the main counter, knocking over things in the process, but it was successful and they both toppled to the floor.

Horror made a slight cry of pain when they crashed.

"Oh I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Blue asked. He didn't ever want to hurt any of his boyfriends even if it was an accident. He looked down at Horror, from his perch, sitting on the other's chest.

Horror gently grabbed Blue's face and pulled it down for a kiss. "I'm ok. You just weigh more than I expected"

That comment earned an offended gasp. "Well excuse me, it wasn't my idea to carry power dampening cuffs everywhere. These things weight like... a lot." It was in fact Sci's idea, because after the success of the cuffs on Reaper, he made a few other pairs, each very heavy because the intended purpose was to take down villains. As for why Blue carries them everywhere, it was just easier than having to grab them from the lab before heading out, even if they were all dating, it awkward to have to go in there sometimes.

(This is when it gets suggestive so back out now if you want)

At this point, Blue was just laying on Horror, making him an easy target for another kiss. This one was more lengthy, but not too aggressive, they were just enjoying the moment.

Blue hardly noticed at first when Horror started sitting up, but when he did, there weren't any complaints. Being in his boyfriend's lap was never a bad thing, even when it reminded Blue of how small he was compared to most of them. In fact it felt really nice, Horror's hand were rubbing his sides very deliberately, slowly going further down each time. Soon enough they were on his hips.

Blue made soft purring sounds, it was so nice. He just relaxed and let Horror continue. All of a sudden, he was on the floor.The flour dust kicked up again, but it was enough of a jolt for blue to notice something. The handcuffs were missing, but only for a second before they reappeared on his wrists. The smaller had been too comfortable to notice, and now he was paying for it.

So this was the devious plot. Fortunately for Blue, it turns out Horror is unfamiliar with how handcuffs are supposed to be used. Being handcuffed with his hands in front, not the worst position to be in.

"You give up?" Horror asked.

Blue gave his best hurt puppy look. "I trusted you." That brought a smile to the other's face.

With Horror clearly being smug about thinking he's won, now was the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack. Blue lunged.

They fell over the other way, Blue on top once again, using the chain of the cuffs to choke his partner slightly.

Blue mirrored the question from earlier. "You give up?"

They look directly at each other, and for no apparent reason, started laughing. The pressure from the chain was let up so there would be any actual choking.

After a couple minutes they got serious again. They kissed once again, Blue put the pressure back on the chain while Horror was feeling him up, this time much more obviously, full hands on his butt.

All of sudden, there was a loud crunch and they both turned to stare with the deer in the headlights expression everyone gets when you've been caught doing something you shouldn't have been doing.

Error pulled another potato chip out of the bag and ate it. "No, no. Please continue. I didn't mean to bother you. This is very hot. I'll just... I'll just go."

There was a moment of silent conversation before Blue and Horror both picked up a pile of goop form the ground and chucked it at Error. With a hiss, the unwanted visitor left.

"Now," Blue said, "Where were we?"

That's where I'm ending it. Honestly, this was very fun to write, I'm running on pain killers so it wasn't too bad to type out.

Little bit of blood/gore warning , just in case you're squeamish

Little bit of blood/gore warning , just in case you're squeamish

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Those are my arms. They're healing but as you can tell, they're not in the best shape. There's bruising around it that's hard to see along with my hands, my neck is stuff, and my shoulders are hurting, but I'm alive so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

If not for airbags/seatbelts I probably would have cracked my skull open and bled to death before I could regain consciousness.

Anyway, I'm going on vacation in 6 days so don't expect any updates for a bit, I was just up and figured I'd finish this draft.

See ya, imaginary people

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