GSA Shitposts - PG13

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(I haven't had time for actual writing so y'all get more shitposts. Which means more GSA)

Nightmare: My sister is the world's biggest lesbian
Dream: I've dated 10x the amount of guys you have
Nightmare: 10 x 0 is still 0

Everyone about Blue:

Geno: I would knock you out with a frying pan but you'd like that wouldn't you?
Reaper: Honestly it sounds kinda hot
Geno: For fucks sake

Ink: Can I have your gender?
Geno: Sure I'm not using it

Dust: I had someone tell me I'd never be a real man today, best day of my life

Cross: Mami, can I hang out with a boy?
Cross's mom: Boys, boys, boys. All my kids like boys, men bring nothing but trouble

Outer: I feel sad today.
Lust: Don't be sad, you've got the manliest pecs I've ever seen.
Outer: *laughing* Thank you, I had to work out so much.

Classic: Oh my god, Women
Fell: You good?
Classic: Oh my god, Men

Horror: I don't know anything. I just know swing ax and be hot.

Sorry it's so short; but I haven't really had that much time to do things.

I'm not at all done with this universe simply because it's fun. I'm completely happy to take requests for the EGTCO universe. Anyway, see ya, imaginary people

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