Error x Killer - PG

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(Requested by @Nerd_Dragon_Writes I read it as a single request and my brain just went with it, it was only when I actually looked at it again to put your name that I realized there were two options. Oh well)

Killer's POV

I grabbed the bag that was already packed. The plan today was to meet my friend/crush Error and hang out at the beach. I was so excited that I packed everything last night and didn't go to bed till after 3am.

Error is more nocturnal than I am, so it was around 5pm when we actually left. The AU we went to was pretty empty to begin with, so we were the only ones there.

We both stripped down to swim shorts, and raced to the water. I jumped right at the end, barely making it before Error. After coming up, I looked at Error, the splash got him really wet. Damn pretty boy reminding me why I ain't straight.

As we played, I started to hear a strange sound. Error apparently heard it too, because we both stopped and listened. I quickly figured out the sound was coming from a half-drowned ball of fluff. Without really thinking, I swam over and grabbed the cat. It sunk its claws in tom my chest, desperately trying to keep its head above the water, but it was having a thought time sinking its claws into slippery bone, so instead it thrashed around with claws out. I had several claw marks on me.

"Ow, that hurts! I'm trying to save you, you stupid cat!" Talking to a cat might just be pointless, who knows if they understand and even if they do, they probably don't care. At least that's what this cat was like.

I got it out on the sand before it drowned and Error, who got out as I went to save the cat, picked it up and dried it with a towel.

Rather than try to figure out why the cat was in the water in the first place, Error decided to cuddle it.

"Can we keep him?" Error did a little head tilt while asking. Oh, he is way too cute.

I had to think about it for a minute. On one hand, Nightmare might just kill me, but on the other it is a cute cat, and Error is asking. This could totally score me boyfriend points.

"Yeah, sure." I tried not to think about the logistics too much. We could be catnapping. How would we even feed the cat? What are we gonna name it? I didn't care too much, because I was thinking with everything but my head.

"Thanks," Error responded as he affectionately punched my arm.

He touched me willingly. I felt like I was just going to explode and I tried not to show it too much.

We both left to get stuff for the cat, and that's when I remembered something. I forgot to ask him out, that was the entire point of this hang out day.

I'm such an idiot.

Ok, yay, it's done. See ya, imaginary people

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