You Thought It Was Over?

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(Since I love hurting everyone's feelings, I made a part 5 to the Medieval Times AU. I bet you thought I couldn't, but I did.

Just like all the other times, it gets dark in there.

You don't have to go on.

This is your choice, and I'm not responsible for anything past this point)

3rd Person POV

Blue looked at the prisoner. He was only 20, still young. He's young enough to be my kid. That bothered him a lot, how no one else seemed to see the former prince for what he is/was, a scared kid.

He needed to see the elder about this. The elder was sitting near a fire, thinking hard about something. Blue sat beside him. "Excuse me for saying, but I believe that the prince deserves a second chance. We should at least let him tell his version of what happened."

"Not this. I understand that you have some moral standards that you feel the need to uphold, but you wouldn't understand. You're not a magic user," the elder replied.

That stung. It hit a very deep nerve in Blue. "I may not have magic, but I suffered too. I lost my husband; my kids lost their dad; and I don't know anything about how to help them with their powers."

"I understand, but you would do well to watch where you express your sympathy. The others might take you for a traitor. Mind your words or those children you care for might be orphans."

He felt angry tears well-up. "I understand." He understood perfectly, the only reason he was tolerated here was because of his children. They weren't fond of his bleeding heart.

That's didn't leave Blue, even as he settled Fury and Sprinkle down for bed that night. Sprinkle was already asleep as Blue was about to leave the room, when Fury started talking to him. "I heard they were going to execute the former prince." The tone was flat, trying to see what the reaction would be.

Blue could feel himself almost crying again. "They most likely will."

"I hope they do"

Blue nearly gasped, feeling somewhat of disgust at his own child. "That's a horrible thing to say"

"But he's the reason Dad is dead. I heard them talking about it." Fury was crying now, and as the boy's mother, Blue couldn't not comfort him, even if he felt torn while doing so.

"Your father was very brave, and he loved you very much. When the war started, the first thing he did was gather a group to serve as protection for any escaping. When the news of the first attack reached us, he knew we had to leave then"

"Let's not talk about the bad stuff right now. Will you tell me a good story about Dad?"

"Of course"

-13 years ago-

Dust was never on the right side of the law. He stole and swindled pretty much without care. That all changed the moment he met Blue. It was like something out of a fairytale, although he had never been a dreamer before, and wouldn't have admitted it.

Blue had always been caring and determined. Even though he had no magic and didn't fit in, he always made sure to help anyone who needed it. People were much more receptive to that before the invasion.

Neither one of them would have called it love at first sight when Dust knocked on Blue's door trying to make a quick buck from selling (likely stolen) junk.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you over the guards right now," Blue said.

"I only steal because I need the money. Help me get back on my feet, and I won't do it again." It wasn't all a lie, Dust did need the money, because being alive is expensive. What he did leave out, however, is that he had plenty of skills that could be used for a real job that he chose not to use.

"And do I get out of this deal?," Blue inquired.

Dust quickly looked around last Blue, trying to spot anything hung to gain information from. He spotted a coat of arms and a sword hanging on a wall above a couple of pictures.

"Were your family in the guard?"

Blue nodded. "My father was. It was always my dream to follow in his footsteps and protect people. He died before he could teach me too much and no one here will help me because I don't have magic."

"Then I'll teach you how to be a guard."

That was the beginning of everything. Of course, the story Blue told wasn't totally truth, he left out the part where Dust was a thief. It was important to him that their children knew the better things about their father. They would learn the unsavory bits when they were older.

By the end, Fury had fallen asleep. Blue softly kissed his forehead and left the room. He tried to settle down in his own bed, only to be plagued by nightmares of a memory.

-5 years ago-

Blue frantically tried to quiet Fury. The tiny child was incredibly scared. Unfortunately, the noise he was making could have gotten them caught while fleeing. Sprinkle was quietly sleeping while Dust carried him. It was faster to carry the little children because they couldn't walk as fast as the adults.

Eventually, Fury was all cried out and quieted but it was too late. The group could heard commotion behind them.

"I'll lead them away, you get everyone else to safety," Dust said, handing Sprinkle to Blue.

"Please, you can't," Blue begged. Volunteering for this was a death sentence.

"You gave me a new chance at life, now let me give you one"

They gently kissed for the last time.

"I love you," Blue said through tears.

"Go. Don't look back," Dust said.  And once he was sure Blue had started onward, "I love you too."

They had gotten far away when Blue felt a pain through him, it felt like someone had ripped out his soul. He knew. He didn't need to see anything but he knew.

Dust was dead, and he sobbed.

And curled up on his bed, Blue sobbed again. For Dust, for Fury, for the prince, and for everything else.

I'm sorry

You were never supposed to be part of this

There are no happy endings

It feels so good to finally get that done. It's been in the drafts for a long time. I'm feeling a lot better than I did for a long time. This was meant to come out last month, but things happen.

Hopefully I'll have another update soon. See ya, imaginary people

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