(How to Make Your Character's Depression More Spicy)

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This is just a little fun thing because I'm sick of reading stories where the main character is depressed because "no one loves me" or "I deserve this". That's boring; there are so many more interesting ways to make a character depressed.

My personal favorite is existential depression. The crushing weight of knowing your life is but a drop in an infinite ocean and nothing you do will ever matter, so what's even the point?

Then there's main character made a mistake and either can't or doesn't know how to fix it. This is also a good one.

And for another example, crippling anxiety and they're depressed because of something that might happen and it seems unavoidable.

Also, toxic relationships are not always one-sided. And if they are, I'm sick of one character doing nothing wrong and the other being a controlling asshole. They can both be terrible people or both be ok people who just don't work in a relationship.

And if you want one being a bitch and making the other feel like they deserve it. Make them do something actually wrong and they know it. This way, the first character can totally feel justified.

And for the self-harm aspect:

It doesn't even have to be intentional punishment. Sometimes, things just happen and then they keep happening. Plus arms are overused.

Get creative with it. It's not fun to read the same thing over and over.

These are just ideas to make your story more interesting and unique. You don't have to take them because it's your story, and you can write however you want. 

These are meant to be suggestions more for one-shot type books where you have similar prompts for multiple chapters.
Anyway, see ya, imaginary people

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