5. Preoccupied

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Here double update!!!

Enjoy the story!

In ten to thirteen minutes, the trio (y/n and taekook) arrived at jin's restaurant. The walk is quite quiet; because y/n is busy with her thoughts.


The sentence inside the bracket (************)are other voices in y/n mind

Y/n' thoughts:

What I should do now, kookie never behaved like this with me, but why today? Should I ask him, she turns to see kook and turned again. no no I should not ask him, he will get angry. why he forced me to have a talk about that incident?

That bastard why he showed up today, because of him all this happened.... but wait if he didn't showed up I would've have never know that I am hurting tae, y/n turns to see tae and looked down. I am sorry tae. I want to share everything with you but... I am scared don't know why. That's, not mean I am not trusting you. That mark is a part of my toxic relationship. May be you will scold me or hate me after knowing everything, that's why I don't want to tell you about this.

But tae you and kookie thinking, that I am not Comfortable with you guys which is not true. Because of you guys I am back to my normal life but when you guys thought that I am uncomfortable with you and kook, I should tell you everything, more than your friendship I don't want anything.

Even you guys don't know everything about my past you guys helped me to recover from that.

Kookie gave me 1 day time, means day after tomorrow I should tell everything or else kookie will never spoke with me, thinking about this hurting me more.

I don't deserve this two beautiful souls they are the people who stands with me every time. Every time they protect me without thinking anything. I am lucky to have them, but I am hurting them, what should I do to make up with them should I say sorry now and make puppy eyes? (Again Jungkook will close his eyes how you will make it work?) (Is this your idea?) I didn't thought that he will close his eyes to avoid me 👉👈. Intelligent kookie. I think he learned from his yoongi Hyung.

(Your only way is you should talk with tae he will understand you and kook will also understand you) (Yes you better tell everything)

Okay I will tell them everything day after tomorrow so everything is fine.

(what the fuck you mean fine once you told everything you should get ready to meet the person whom your parents and your friends will choose for you) Oh shit I forgot about that (internally crying, screaming).

What I will do now, who is he? Where is he? Is he handsome? Will he like me? (1 minute stop, what's with the question? That means you like him? So you getting scared that he will reject you?) NO NO just curious 👉👈 (continue).

But kookie told I should met him that means they all met him already? I am the only one don't know? Should I ask Taekook about him? (You should) what if they think I am interested in him? (Its true right you are interested in him) no (this girl is lying. Don't trust her) meanie. Everyone waiting for me to get into a relationship, if I got one, they will tell to me to marry him.

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