Chapter 278 - 279

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Chapter 278 Fu Changliu, don’t force me to do it

Xiang Ziye was very embarrassed when he heard this. He originally wanted to defend himself, but after thinking about it, he still nodded and said, "It's me. Do you think there is any way to coax him?"

The driver smiled and said, "In fact, it’s not that difficult to coax him. You give him the things he likes, take him to eat the things he likes, and take him to the places he likes. By the way, do you know what he likes?"

Xiang Ziye was stunned when he heard this. He didn't seem to know anything. Even though the two of them had been together for a while before, he didn't know anything. He didn't know what he liked to eat, let alone what he wanted. Where to go, not to mention what he likes.

He knew nothing about him, but Fu Changliu knew him well, knew what he liked to eat, knew what he didn't like to eat, and knew everything about him.

Thinking of this, he felt like a failure.

He shook his head and said honestly: "I understand now that you said that. I don't know anything. I seem to be a failure. I have never cared about him. I don't even know what he likes to eat. What does he like?" You don't know anything about playing."

The driver advised him: "I didn't know before that you were interested now. If you want to care about him, then start getting to know him from today. Know that all he wants is to care about you. You have more Just stay with him. Also, boss, there is a magic weapon that is sure to win. As long as this magic weapon is born, you two can definitely reconcile. No matter how much your wife hates you and doesn't want to be with you, this magic weapon will definitely take action. Make peace with you."

Xiang Ziye was surprised to hear this and asked seriously: "What is it?"

The driver said: "I'm having a second child!"

Xiang Ziye was stunned when he heard this.

The driver added: "Although Madam is a man, you two have had a child, which means Madam can give birth to a child. Since you have both given birth once, you can have another one. As the saying goes, children belong to their parents. Crystallization, no matter how big the hatred is, as long as the child comes out, it will definitely disappear. Nowadays, many families are not happy and it is not suitable to quarrel. It is because the child comes out, so it gets better and better. If you really can’t coax your wife, If so, then you let him get pregnant again and have another child. As long as this second child is born, even if the wife hates you, she will not care about you. After all, the child is here." Xiang Ziye's pupils

tightened after hearing this , it’s not that he didn’t have the idea of ​​having a second child. He knew that he had hope for a child before, and thought that hope was when he was a senior with him, so he wanted to have a child with him, a child for the two of them. Later, After knowing that Hope is his biological child, he has never thought about this idea. After all, he has been absent from Hope for so many years. If he has another child, Hope may not like him. If another child comes out, he will compete with Hope for favor. Afraid that Hope won’t like it.

Although he also wanted to have another child, he had been absent from Hope for so many years and wanted to try out what it was like to take care of a child.

Now think about it, it is not necessarily impossible to give birth to a second child. If after giving birth to a child, remember, can the relationship between him and Fu Changliu be eased?

After all, even if the two of them are married now, Xiang Ziye still has no sense of security. He always feels that he will leave her. If there is another child in his belly, he will really not be able to leave him now that he has a child. The relationship will get better after that. He has heard people say this before, so he is thinking in his mind that it would be good to have a second child if possible. Anyway, he has enough money now and can afford to raise no matter how many children he has.

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