Chapter 119 - 121

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Chapter 119 I know where Xi Shui is!

No one expected that after Mai Qingyan said such an honest and courteous sentence, Lu Qingyou suddenly got angry and went up to beat him again, knocking out his other teeth and gathering them neatly. .

Mai Qingyan spit out a mouthful and choked to death: "Lu Qingyou! You are sick. You asked me to make it clear to you. I have already made it clear. Why are you still beating me?"

"You lied, you are not a good person at all. He didn't go to Yangcheng. I'm warning you to give you three seconds to tell me his whereabouts immediately, otherwise you will be dead today."

Lu Qingyou's cold and threatening words can indeed bluff people.

Mai Qingyan really didn't know if he had seen a ghost. How could he be so smart? Even if he went to Yangcheng, he would know.

Frustrated and helpless, he was afraid of being beaten to death, so he announced the truth, "He went to Beihua."

Lu Qingyou continued to ask: "License plate number."

Mai Qingyan reported the license plate number angrily. When I came out, I gritted my teeth with hatred in my heart.

After Lu Qingyou heard this, he turned around and left, rushing out.

Lu Susu followed and left. When Zhang Cong saw this, he was as confused as Monk Zhanger, not knowing what to do. Before leaving, he warned Mai Qingyan: "You really deserve it. It's not good to offend anyone, but you actually offended someone." You killed such a person. He is an ancestor. You dare to offend him. You will be finished sooner or later. Just clean your ass and wait to go to jail."

Mai Qingyan felt even more chilled when he heard what he said. Sitting on the ground stunned.

How did he know they had such a trick?


Lu Qingyou was now an hour away. Jiang Shan drove the long-distance bus to take him to Beihua. It was probably because he was afraid of checking at the train station, but no one checked on the long-distance bus.

Therefore, the only thing Lu Qingyou could ask for was Boss Huo's help.

Although he knew it was embarrassing, the only person he could ask for help was his boss.

The boss is very powerful in Beihua, so it is easier to find someone.

You can also intercept passing vehicles and investigate them clearly.

After he told the boss, the boss printed it out, and then he set off to rent a car and go with Song Mengfan.

Because Song Mengfan was severely humiliated by that bitch last time, he swore that he never wanted to deal with that bitch again. He didn't expect that the slap in the face would come so quickly. In order for his brother to get his wife back, he had no choice but to just I can give that dog man a call.

The main purpose of calling was to borrow a car from him. After all, he knows all the people, and he is the only one with a lot of money. I heard that there is a luxury villa here that no one lives in, and there are cars in it.

It was quite difficult for him to say it. After all, the shadow he had last time was too deep, and he was afraid that he would be humiliated again if he called him this time. I had the courage to call him, but fortunately the result was not as bad as I thought. It was probably because he was in a better mood today, or his wife made him happy, so her whole body was rippling, and there was no After he heard that he was going to borrow the car, he asked him: "I can lend you the car, but how will you repay me?"

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