Chapter 188 - 190

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Chapter 188 Love him

Qian Luolun originally didn't plan to take him out because he was afraid that he would be in danger, but when he saw such a longing look in his eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he took Fu Changliu's hand and led her in, but protected him all the way.

He asked him to stay behind him, for fear that those people would cause trouble for him. After the two people went out, the group of people stood side by side, and they all exuded an extraordinarily fierce hooligan aura. They looked like gangsters. I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Fu Changliu suddenly realized that he had never seen these gangsters before. When he was chopped down with an ax by the so-called boss's men, he had seen a group of gangsters fighting. These people were all... Xiang Zi Wild people!

He remembered it clearly, because the person who took the lead still had a scar on his face, and the person who took the lead also had a scar on his face, in exactly the same location. After seeing the scar, he was afraid. Could these people Are they all sent to Xiang Ziye?

Fu Changliu was scared. When he was panicking, his senior asked them very loudly: "Who are you? Who asked you to come and cause trouble? I don't know you, and no one in our family has offended you! Why do you have to Come and destroy our place, today is still a good day."

The man with the scar on his face hit the stool next to him with a stick, warning him: "Then you are wrong, the person you offended is the boss of my family. , my boss said, if you dare to continue holding the wedding, if you dare to get married, if you do it once, he will ruin it once, and you will never get married in your life!" When the senior heard this, his whole body went crazy, and rushed

forward to say When he wanted to hit someone, Fuchangliu stopped him and told him not to be impulsive. After all, they each had so many tools in their hands. In a group fight, he would definitely not be able to do it alone, and he would have to be beaten.

"And our boss said that you, a broken shoe, can only belong to him in this life. You are all his, let alone marry anyone else. So you can only serve him for the rest of your life. If you dare to get married, he will really If I dare to break your legs, if you don't believe it, then continue. But I will never let you have the opportunity to hold a wedding!"

After the man finished speaking, he directly ordered his men to leave, but what happened just now The words were spoken so loudly that everyone hiding in the room heard them, so they came out quickly. The most intense reaction was from the senior’s parents. I heard clearly just now that the person causing trouble was Fuchangliu’s old lover!

The situation is like this, it’s not his old lover or something, the key is that this old lover has slept with him, and also called him a pair of shabby shoes, which means that he has been slept with by others, and they thought he was an innocent man. Family, that's why they agreed to marry such a person to their son. It doesn't matter whether the family is wealthy or not. It doesn't matter whether they have education or not. It doesn't matter as long as the person is innocent, filial, and kind. But now he is still lying to them.

I really thought that this person was a pure person, but he was already said to be a rotten person. Qian Luolun's parents were so angry that they went over and slapped Fuchangliu on the spot. Qian Luolun's mother scolded: "You This bitch! You liar, I thought you were so innocent, but I didn’t expect that you were a bitch who was played to death by others. Now you think my son is easy to bully, so you still don’t admit it after being played. Do you think you are an innocent man? Why are you so shameless? You stink down there, but you still want to marry into our good family. Now, if I tell you that you are dreaming, I will not admit it to you! Wedding Cancel, there is no such thing! Our family will not let you in! A shabby shoemaker who has been played to pieces still wants to marry into our family. Isn't it disgusting?"

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