Chapter 40 - 42

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Chapter 40 When did I have a boyfriend?

After Lu Qingyou heard Zhang Xiaolian say that Fu Xishui had been arrested by the town police station, he immediately put down what he was doing and went to the town to look for Fu Xishui.

When Zhang Cong saw Lu Qingyou coming to find Fuxishui, he directly intercepted him and said, "No, you can go back. He is a guilty person now. You can't let him go before the results come out. After the results come out, even more We can't let him go. He's a prisoner now. He's going to die for something so outrageous as adding poppy to his drink!" "His drink

wasn't spiked with anything. You just arrest someone without evidence? Just because of a few words from others. Are you sure about that? You have to pay attention to evidence when doing things, so if I say you stole my money now, will you just steal it?"

Lu Qingyou was born with a cold face, so when she stared at Zhang Cong, her eyes His eyes were sinister and majestic, which frightened him a little.

Zhang Cong was afraid that it would be known that he had arrested people without evidence. He looked arrogant and said unwillingly: "I received a report, so I arrested people. As for whether I will know when the results come out. You Go back if you have nothing to do, don't hinder the police here, you are disturbing the order, and they have the right to arrest you."

Lu Qingyou suddenly grabbed his hand violently, used force, and broke Zhang Cong's wrist back. He forcibly broke his hands until they were green and red, and warned him in a cold tone: "Are you sure you won't let me go? I want to see the director."

Zhang Cong, a man with a bad temper, was very upset when he heard his such a stern tone. After feeling comfortable, he angrily said to him: "Who are you? If you want to see the director, you can meet the director. Our director has many things to do every day, where can I see you casually? Get out of here, otherwise , take you to prison."

Lu Qingyou's eyes stared at him with murderous intent. Zhang Cong shrank his neck and became frightened by this look. He quickly shook his head, not daring to look at him.

At this moment, the director hurriedly arrived. After coming in, he learned about the situation.

Lu Qingyou brought the raw materials directly when he came this time, so he explained the whole story to the director, including that there was nothing inside at all.

Just at this moment, the results from the health center showed that there was nothing in it at all, which was normal.

In other words, it took a long time to make an mistake.

He apologized and said to Lu Qingyou: "I'm sorry, it's all my men's fault. Let him go. Let him go now."

After the director finished speaking. He turned to his subordinates and said fiercely: "Why are you still standing there? Go and let him go! You have no evidence and you arrest people based on reports. You don't have enough evidence. Just wait! I can't spare you." "

Zhang Cong felt aggrieved after being reprimanded. His nephew really hurt him. He thought he could make meritorious service this time, but he didn't expect that nothing happened. He was a good citizen, but nothing happened at all. Woolen cloth.

So he almost got someone killed.


Fu Xishui didn't know why, but his first reaction was to look for Lu Qingyou. It was weird, thinking that he could definitely save him, but now he looked up and saw Lu Qingyou outside the prison.

Zhang Cong tremblingly stepped forward and opened the door of the prison, and said to Fu Xishui: "Fu Xishui, due to lack of evidence, there is no other way, so I can only let you out, but you can't leave that village. You have to Wait for the results from the health center to come out."

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