Chapter 4 - 6

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Chapter 4: Rebirth to make a fortune with the family!

Fuxishui opened his eyes with some pain, and what came into view was the face of his mother Zhang Xiaolian. Her hair was all combed up and tied into a ponytail on the back, revealing her smooth forehead. Her face was malnourished due to some malnutrition. So his face was very yellow, and he was wearing a dark pink cloth with patches on it because he was reluctant to change clothes due to years of saving.

His mother looks like Fuxishui's mother when she was 18 years old. How could it be like this?

Is he dead? Still dreaming? Why do you see his mother? He hadn't seen his mother for decades, and he felt very uncomfortable for a while.

Fuxishui thought he was dreaming, so he stretched out his hand and pinched his face with such force that it hurt. He grinned and shouted: "It hurts, it hurts!" Zhang Xiaolian laughed at Fuxishui's appearance and hit him. She gave him a look: "You kid, doesn't it hurt if you pinch yourself? You haven't woken up yet? After you wake up quickly, go out to have a meal, and then go to see that shadow puppet show of Lao Shizi. It's rare outside, even at the entrance of the village. There are people around."

Xishui was still immersed in the dizziness of the pain in his face, how could he feel pain? In other words, none of this is fake. Isn't he dreaming?

Fu Xishui raised his head and looked at the decoration in this room. It was indeed the room he had missed for decades, his bedroom.

The conditions at Fuxishui's home are not good in the village, but not bad either. They are well fed and the whole family is not hungry. The family lives in a two-room brick house, which is a bit old.

Fuxishui and his brother Fuchangliu lived on a wooden bed. Now there was a smell in the room that he missed so much, it was the warmth of the past.

Looking at the gentle mother smiling in front of him, Fu Xishui felt guilty for a while, went forward and hugged Zhang Xiaolian, and said coquettishly: "Mom, I miss you so much." Fu Xishui felt that he had a lose brain in his previous life.

He eloped with Jiang Shanzhong only after he got into the water. In his previous life, his parents were still there. He was their parents' favorite son, and his elder brother also doted on him.

But he just didn't study hard and his academic performance was not good, so he didn't get admitted to college, so he stayed at home, and the family leaders let him go.

Although the conditions at home are not good, he has always been in need of food and drink since he was a child, and the first thing he thinks about when he has delicious food is him.

Fu Xishui now has a chance to start over again. God has allowed him to return to the age of 18. He must live a good life. He cannot live the same miserable life as he did in his previous life, let alone choose to remarry Jiang Shan. It's such a stupid way to elope.

Zhang Xiaolian was numb from Fu Xishui's hug, so she released him, stuffed him with a few cents, and said to him: "Okay, I know you want to buy snacks, go ahead." Fu Xishui looked at the money in his hand, really dumbfounding. At this time, he is still a bastard young man who has nothing to do but food and food to open his mouth.

Fu Xishui looked at the coins in his hand, his eyes burning. He suddenly thought that since he was reborn, he would change the trajectory of his previous life. He must use his own advantages to lead his family to make a fortune and embark on the road to wealth!

Rebirth Of The Little Sweetheart Of The 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now