Chapter 245 - 246

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Chapter 245 Xiang Ziye was furious: Fu Changliu, are you so mean?

How is he now? It's disgusting to look at him. He's wearing such heavy makeup that it's off-putting to look at him. He's wearing such a sleazy outfit. It's better not to wear just these few pieces of cloth. Looking at his depraved appearance, his whole body People gnashed their teeth in hatred.

I haven’t seen him for so many years. He has been looking for him for so many years and still can’t find him for so many years. I thought he died somewhere, but he ended up being sold in this karaoke bar? Still dancing here, isn't this selling your body? He had stooped to this level to act like a duck.

Xiang Ziye looked at Fuchangliu with such a fierce look. Fuchangliu was so frightened that he didn't know how to deal with it. He was frightened by his face... He was still afraid of him after so many years

. .

He was still afraid subconsciously, and he couldn't change it at all. Now seeing him, his whole body was frozen.

The situation of the two of them shocked the supervisor. He didn't know what was going on. He couldn't suddenly come to cause trouble, so the supervisor quickly stepped forward and said to the two people: "Boss, this boss Are our people here doing something wrong? Or something? If you have any words, please tell me not to be like this."

Xiang Ziye let go and pushed the person in front of him aside, and said to the supervisor: "He is the duck of your store. Is it?"

She said she was dancing on the stage. It was a high-sounding statement, but no one knew. It was just a duck being prostituted.

So the supervisor nodded and said, "Yes, sir, if you want to do something, you can spend money."

When Xiang Ziye heard this, he looked at Fu Changliu with a stern look, and suddenly smiled evilly. Said: "Okay, I want this person to accompany me. Now call this person to my private room immediately."

This person opened the best private room here, so the supervisor felt that this person must be very rich. Even though it was expensive, I agreed immediately.

After Fu Changliu finally got rid of him, he wanted to run away, but the supervisor grabbed his hand and warned him: "What do you want to do? Didn't you hear what he said? He asked you to accompany him for a drink, and you were still stunned What are you doing here? Hurry up, pack up and go to accompany him, otherwise he will tear down this karaoke hall, and I will settle the score with you."

Fu Changliu felt sick at the thought of having to drink with him alone in a private room, so He refused with a trembling body and said, "Can I not have a grudge against him? He will definitely not let me go."

The supervisor grabbed his head and hit him to warn him: "What qualifications do you have to tell me no?" , just go if you are told. Be good and serve him well, otherwise I will definitely not let you go like this if he demolishes our karaoke hall. He looks like he is very rich. Take some money from him and let him Buy more rich wine, you know?"

Fu Changliu was pushed away and sent directly to the private room.

After pushing him into this private room, the supervisor cleverly closed the door.

The two of them were inside. When Xiang Ziye saw him while sitting on the sofa, his eyes were filled with fire and he called him: "Come here."

Even if Fu Changliu hated him, he had to endure his anger. He walked over and walked in front of him. As a result, Xiang Ziye suddenly reached out and hooked his hand and pulled him over. The next second, he was hugged in his arms.

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