The first date

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Zara 's apartment,

Zara is bustling around her in her cozy apartment. She moves with a mix of excitement and nervousness evident in her gestures. The soft glow of fairy lights casts a warm ambiance, adding to the romantic atmosphere.

She stands in front of her closet, deliberating over what to wear. After a moment of contemplation, she settles on a sleek black dress that accentuates her curves. With a satisfied nod, she lays it out on her bed.

Zara (muttering to herself) :
Black is classic, right? Can't go wrong with classic.

Next, she moves to her bathroom, where she carefully selects her makeup, opting for a natural look with a touch of rosy blush and a hint of shimmer on her eyelids.

As she applies her makeup, her phone buzzes with a text notification. She eagerly picks it up, her heart skipping a beat when she sees it's from Kabir.


Zara can't help but smile at the message, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue. She quickly types out a reply, her fingers dancing over the screen.


With a satisfied grin, she sets her phone down and returns to her preparations. She slips into her chosen outfit, smoothing out any wrinkles with care.

ZARA (to herself, practicing)
Relax, Zara. You've got this.

After a final glance in the mirror to ensure everything is perfect, she grabs her purse and heads out the door, her heart aflutter with anticipation for the evening ahead.


Kabir is standing outside Zara's apartment building, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He wears a nervous but eager smile as he waits for her to emerge.

Moments later, the door opens, and ZARA steps out, radiant in her black dress. Her eyes light up when she sees Kabir, and she can't help but blush at the sight of the flowers.

Kabir said while offering the flowers to her " These are for you, Zara. You look absolutely stunning tonight."

Zara's smile widens as she takes the flowers, the sweet scent filling the air around them.

Zara replied " Thank you, Kabir. That's so thoughtful of you."

Kabir offers his arm to Zara, and she links her arm with his, feeling a rush of excitement at his touch. Together, they make their way down the steps of the apartment building and onto the sidewalk.

Kabir again complimented her
"You really do look amazing. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world to be taking you out tonight."

Zara's cheeks flush at the compliment, and she leans closer to Kabir as they walk, savoring the warmth of the moment.

They reach Kabir 's car and then Zara notices a black SUV with bodyguards. She looked at Kabir questioningly.

Kabir looked a little embarrassed " Zara you know how my fans are they stalked me to the point it becomes a burden being a famous person. "

Zara smiled in assurance and held his hand " I know Kabir and that's okay . "

Kabir looked relieved

He opens the door for Zara with a gallant flourish. She slides into the passenger seat, feeling a flutter of excitement in her stomach.

Kabir said " Buckle up, Zara. Tonight's going to be unforgettable."

With that, Kabir closes the door gently and walks around to the driver's side. As he starts the car, Zara can't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the evening ahead, knowing that it's the beginning of something special with Kabir.

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