Spices and Secrets

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Zara 's house ,

Zara walks into her living room to find her two best friends , Isha and Riley surrounded by suitcases and travel essentials.

Zara asked "Are you both ready already?"

Riley replied " ha ji! Bags are packed, and we are ready to roll.

"Awesome! Let me get fresh then we can leave " Zara moved to the bathroom.


Riley asked (smiling ) "So, Zara, spilled the beans. Any exciting news in your life?"

Zara replied (avoiding eye contact)
"Not really, just the usual."

Isha said (raising an eyebrow)
"The usual, huh? Come on, spill it. We know there's something."

Zara knew she could never hide it from her friends so she finally confessed.

Zara confessed (laughing)
"You guys are relentless! Fine, you caught me. Kabir and I are together, but we're not shouting it from the rooftops yet."

Riley (grinning)
Aha! Knew it! Spill all the juicy details, Zara.

As they continue getting ready , Zara reluctantly spills the details of her relationship, and the room fills with laughter, excitement, and the anticipation of the upcoming girls trip.


Amidst the relentless rehearsal for the much-anticipated Delhi show, Kabir and his friends are fervently choreographing dance routines, refining every step and syncing their moves to perfection. The dance studio echoes with the rhythm of their dedicated efforts.

As beads of sweat glisten on their foreheads, Kabir suggests, "Let's take a breather, guys. We've been at this nonstop for days." The group nods in agreement, and they gather around, catching their breath.

Kabir, reaching for his phone, notices a message from Zara. The screen lights up with her text: "Hey Kabir, how's the rehearsal going?" A warm smile spreads across his face as he types, "It's been intense but exciting. Can't wait to show you what we've got. Miss you though." He hits send and glances up, his smile widening.

Inadvertently, Rohan catches Kabir's eye and raises an eyebrow inquisitively. Curiosity sparked, Rohan subtly signals the others to take a look. The group shares a knowing smile, acknowledging Kabir's momentary distraction.

Caught off guard, Kabir looks up, sensing the collective gaze. Guilt registers on his face, and he clears his throat, "Alright, back to work, everyone. We've got a show to rock."

They all chuckle and get back to their role , their heart fills with anticipation and excitement for the upcoming show.


At an art exhibition,

Zara and her friends, Riley and Isha, wander through the art exhibition, admiring the beautiful paintings and sculptures. As they turn a corner, they spot Ishaan, standing near a captivating artwork.

ZARA (excitedly)
"Oh my gosh, guys! Look who's here! It's Ishaan!"

Isha (grinning)
"No way! What are the odds of running into him here?"

They all moved to where ishaan was and called out his name and he turned and was surprised to find them there .

"Hello this is surprising" Ishaan said . He hugged everyone.

" We know right " Isha replied.

Zara and Isha exchange mischievous glances, a realization dawning on both of them.

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