A heartfelt revelation

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They are back to Villa now and it's last night before they go back to their house .

The rain is pouring heavily , and thunder roars in the distance.

The rain beats against the windows, creating a symphony of droplets. The electricity went out because of heavy rain . They gather in the cozy living room, seeking refuge from the storm.

As the thunder rumbles and the lights flicker, they huddle together, sharing stories and laughter to pass the time. The sound of rain creates a soothing backdrop as they bond over board games, music, and heartfelt conversations.

Anushka said "Wow, this storm is really something, huh? I hope it doesn't get any worse!"

"Yeah, it's pretty wild out there. But hey, at least we're safe and dry in here, right?" Replied Ketan

"Definitely! I'm just glad we have each other for company. It's always more fun to weather the storm together." Ms gupta added while looking at Kabir

Rohan asked "agreed! So, what do you guys want to do to pass the time? Any ideas?"

"How about we tell spooky stories? It's the perfect setting for some chilling tales." Come Dev's reply

Rohan replied enthusiastically"Ooh, I like that idea! Let's take turns sharing our scariest experiences."

"Sounds thrilling! I'll start. Once, during a thunderstorm just like this, I heard a strange whisper coming from the attic..." Anushka started to share her experience

As they continue to share their spooky stories, the storm outside intensifies, creating an eerie ambiance that adds an extra thrill to their evening.


As Anushka finishes her spooky story, a loud crash suddenly echoes from the kitchen, causing everyone to jump in the fright."


"Holy fuck "

"What the hell"

"What was that?! Did something fall?" Kabir asked

"I'm not sure, but it sounded like it came from the kitchen. Should we go check it out?" Replied Zara

"I don't know, guys... It's pretty creepy. Maybe we should stick together." Rohan replied looking terrified

They slowly make their way towards the kitchen, their hearts pounding with anticipation. As they enter the room, they discover that a pot had fallen off the stove, seemingly on its own.

"How did that pot just fall like that? There's no way it could've just tipped over." Miss Gupta asked

" The wind is blowing very fast due to rain, then it may be possible that it has fallen due to that " replied Zara

" Agree" Kabir said " let's go back to living room "

" We are not going to talk about ghost now " dev said

" Hahah , are you afraid?" Asked Anushka and others laugh

Eventually thunderstorm stopped after a while and the electricity came, so they all went to sleep in their room.


Kabir was sitting outside in the living room, enjoying the sound of raindrops falling. Suddenly, Zara appeared , she couldn't help but stare at him .

Zara couldn't tear her eyes away from Kabir as he sat outside, his gaze fixed on the sky. The rain continued to pour, but it was as if he was lost in his own world.

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