My icy heart ! it's melting!

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Next day ,

I was working when a picture caught my attention. It was rewind boys 's. Their next show which is going to happen the day after tomorrow. I was looking at the picture.

They all are handsome and have their own charisma but he is different . Even if there will be thousands of people you will differentiate him easily. His eyes are very expressive even if he doesn't want it to . I smile a bit . Someone knocked and I looked up to see Kabir . I instantly hid the picture.

"Zara " he called my name .

" Mr Malhotra? I replied.

He was just looking at my eyes . But I couldn't hold eye contact with him for long so I asked - "What happened? "

He stared a bit and then said " Good morning" .

I just stare at him in confusion. Then - " Good morning Mr Malhotra". I replied hesitantly.

Did he come just to greet me Good morning? " ummm did you come here to say that?"

" No ..... Zara thank you for yesterday." He said

Now it was my time to stare at him . It was just a simple thank you but my heart was fluttering. I thought I crossed my line yesterday and said things which I shouldn't. But here he is being grateful.

" Ummmm ..... welcome."

" Then I think I should go " he turned to leave but I also made a way towards him and i didn't realise but my leg hit the desk and I yelled falling down while knocking Kabir with me .

It took me some time to register that I am on his chest . He is holding me inside his arm. He smells so good .
He is laying in his back and his eyes are closed . How clumsy I am . Shit . He slowly opened his eyes and met with mine . We both just stared at each other .

" Holy moly , What kind of work is happening here?" Someone 's voice caught our attention and wo both turned to our right side . Damn. All boys are there with Anushka with amused expressions on their faces.

I quickly got up followed by Kabir and we tried to look modest. Kabir asked " why are you all here ?"

" Sorry to interrupt your important work " Rohan replied with smile.

This is embarassing.

" This is how you welcome your close friends?" Anushka asked with a raised brows .

Anushka is actually their main designer. She is in her mid thirties . She styled them all . She was on a trip that's why Mrs Gupta was assisting them and now she is back.

Kabir rolled his eyes but hug her nonetheless.

" Let's go to my cabin " he said to them and started leaving.

But Anushka and Rohan gave me a teasing look with smile . I just stared at them .


There was so much work left . They have to rehearse their performance. They are going to sing their news song as a surprise for their fans . I have to make sure that everything is perfectly fine . In this chaos even Kabir was not calm. I heard him shouting multiple times and drinking coffee countless times .

He had informed us that we all have to go to his house for further work. We are going to have our dinner there too. I think I am the last one to arrive as all the cars are parked here already.

His manager and secretary are talking outside with bodyguards. I smiled at them and they nodded. I entered the house .

"And here comes our important guest, welcome " said karan

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