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Zara 's pov,

It had been days since the Indian wedding that had stirred up so many emotions within me. Kabir's drunk confession had left me speechless. It had been eating at me ever since.

Now, in the hustle and bustle of organizing Ovi's wedding, I hadn't found a moment to see Kabir , and he hadn't made an effort to meet me either. The weight of my feelings and the mounting work had me on edge.

As I navigated the sea of wedding preparations, I found a moment to sit at my desk in the event planning office. Maya, my efficient and supportive assistant, rushed in with a stack of files.

Maya: Zara, we've got a lot of last-minute changes and requests for Ovi's wedding. The florist is running late, the seating arrangements need to be rearranged, and the caterer just called about a menu change.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, my thoughts drifting momentarily to Kabir.

Zara: It's just what we needed, isn't it? But we'll handle it, Maya. The biggest wedding of the season has to go off without a hitch.

Maya nodded, her commitment unwavering.

Maya: Of course, we'll make it perfect. I've already called the florist, and I'll get on the phone with the caterer. The seating arrangements, though... that's going to take some time.

As Maya rushed to address the issues, I looked out of my office window, gazing at the starry night sky.

My phone buzzed with a message, and I saw it was from Kabir. My heart skipped a beat as I read it. "Can we talk? It's important.

I quickly replied, "Tomorrow, I will meet you at the office ."

Kabir's message gave me hope, and I returned my focus to the wedding preparations, determined to make Ovi's special day a success while keeping my own emotions in check.


The next day, after a sleepless night filled with thoughts of both the wedding and Kabir, I made my way to Kabir's office. I was anxious to discuss the last-minute details of Ovi's wedding and to clarify the numerous questions I had about my feelings for Kabir.

But when I entered Kabir's office, I was taken aback. He was surrounded by his siblings. They were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't notice my presence. But what caught me off is in the midst of them stood a girl whom I never saw . Maybe she is their cousin .

Kabir's siblings were teasing him mercilessly, mentioning a girl 's name in jest and hinting at a connection between him and the girl . I realised her name was Radhika . Kabir was not happy in fact he was forcing a smile at them . Or maybe I am seeing things too much .

Radhika, on the other hand, reveled in the teasing and played along. She was enjoying and was blushing too . That mad me uncomfortable. Are they together or something?

Kabir's siblings were relentless, and the whole scene made me feel like an intruder. My heart sank, both because of the awkwardness of the situation and because I had expected a chance to talk to Kabir .

Suddenly Radhika came to Kabir 's side and hold his hand and kisses his cheek . She speaks in her voice " I missed you Kabir " and others cooed "awww" .

I lingered in the doorway, contemplating whether to enter the room or quietly slip away to deal with the wedding preparations. I chose the second option and left .


As I retreated from Kabir's office, my footsteps echoed loudly in the corridor. I found a quiet corner and, hidden from view, allowed the tears to flow. The pain was overwhelming. I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand, trying to regain my composure.

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