The engagement day

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At R&W ,

Kabir sits at his desk, feeling remorseful about his behavior the previous day. He glances at the clock, impatiently waiting for the right time to visit Zara's office.

At Prateeksha,

Zara is engrossed in her work when she hears a knock on the door. She looks up to see Kabir standing there with a sincere expression.

KABIR : (softly) Zara, can we talk for a moment?

Zara nods and gestures for him to enter. Kabir closes the door behind him.

KABIR: (apologetic) I'm really sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.

ZARA :(smiling) It's okay, Kabir. We all have our moments. Apology accepted.

Kabir visibly relaxes.

KABIR : Thank you, Zara. I appreciate your understanding.

ZARA : You're welcome. Now, what did you want to talk about?

KABIR : Well, I was thinking, it's a new day, and we should start it on a better note. How about we have lunch together?

Kabir is very confident about himself but there is something with Zara that he thinks twice before speaking or hesitates.

Zara hesitates but then nods in agreement.

ZARA : Alright, let's do lunch.


Oberoi hotel ,

Kabir and Zara sit at a cozy corner table, menus in hand. There's a playful tension in the air. Zara was scanning the whole menu while Kabir was looking at her .

Zara ordered spicy Chinese and pasta while Kabir asked for vegetable salad . At his order Zara made a face and Kabir smiled softly.

"How do you guys feel full with vegetables only ?" Zara asked

Kabir replied " it's tasty too Zara and healthy for my body . "

"Tasty " Zara remarked and rolled her eyes and Kabir Shook his head at her antics .

Waiter brought their order and left and they started having their lunch . Zara realised that they are not only belong to opposite status but also have different taste in food.

"Do you want to try my food?" Asked Kabir

Zara was hesitant but Kabir insisted and gave her a bite and she chews it mindlessly and as savour it she realised "It's not that bad " . Kabir hummed.

Kabir gave a little more portion of his food in her plate. Zara asked him to taste her food and he too tried it . Kabir found that very spicy and instantly drank water . "It's too spicy" he said and Zara laughed " Spice is the life of food Mr. Malhotra".

Honestly Kabir loved her this side. He was enjoying lunch with her . They ordered dessert at last and were going to left when -

"Omg Zara is that you ?"
Zara, I didn't expect to find you here. " Said enthusiasticly Abhishek .

Was he expecting Kabir here ? Kabir rolled his eyes at him .

Abhishek then noticed Kabir too and looked surprised "Hey man " and they fist-bumped and hugged .

"So taking a break from work " Asked Abhishek to both of them and Zara nodded " something like that "

" If you guys want you can join us and we all can have our lunch together" Abhishek advised .

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