The unexpected meet cute

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It’s official, Kabir Malhotra has a new girlfriend; everyone’s favourite pop icon is no longer available in the market

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

It’s official, Kabir Malhotra has a new girlfriend; everyone’s favourite pop icon is no longer available in the market .

Kabir  is known for keeping his personal life out of the spotlight so it’s unlikely he’ll ever directly address this new romance.

Recently his sister posted a picture of him with an unknown girl . Now we wonder who is that lucky girl?

Fans are giving mixed reactions:-

" I think it's a public stunt "
"Who is this girl who stole our Kabir ?"
" Kabir you can't do this to us "
" I don't like her "


Third person 's pov,

The TV blares with the sound of the latest music videos behind the scenes in Kabir's cozy living room. The Rewind Boys, Kabir's close-knit group of friends, gather around, munching on their favorite snacks. Laughter fills the air as they watch the hilarious scenes unfold on the screen.

Kabir, with a playful smirk on his face, can't help but taunt his friends, "Seems like I can't catch a break, even in my own house. No Sundays off for this rockstar!"

Rohan, always ready to stir up some trouble, grins mischievously and responds, "Oh come on, Kabir! You're living the dream! No time for relaxation when you're at the top!"

The others join in, playfully teasing Kabir about his demanding schedule and the constant whirlwind of his rockstar life.

Kabir Shook his head .
"Alright, get ready for dinner, my friends! I'll whip up something delicious, and you all better be prepared to clean up the mess afterwards!" Kabir instructed with a playful tone, heading into the kitchen to start cooking.

As Kabir searched through the kitchen cabinets, he came across a small jar of tea leaves and masala . The familiar scent instantly transported him back to the countless times Zara would drink her tea . A rush of memories flooded his mind, and a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips.


Zara and her friends decide to end their Sunday at a stand-up comedy show . They arrived at the address and decided to grab some coffee before the show . Riley takes the leads.

Riley unknowingly bumps into someone while taking coffee and accidentally spills coffee on that person too.

Riley: "Watch where you're going, Mr. Clumsy!"

Guy: Are you kidding me? You just ruined my favorite shirt with that scorching cold coffee!

Riley: Well, maybe if you didn't walk around like a tornado, it wouldn't have happened!

Guy: Oh please, like you're the epitome of grace and poise. You couldn't handle a cup of coffee if your life depended on it!

Riley: Excuse me? I'll have you know I can handle coffee like a pro. Unlike you, who clearly can't handle basic coordination!

Stardom ♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें