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There will be lots of time skips>
I've been here with Zuha for more than two months now, watching her struggle with life behind her fake smiles and forced cheerfulness. It's hard to see her putting on a facade for everyone else, but I see through it all too clearly. That's why I've decided to enroll in a programming course here in Berlin - not just for myself, but for her.

Seeing Zuha's pain and returning home to witness Sherdaad Bhai's anguish made something click inside me. They're both suffering without each other, and while I can't erase the past or force them to forgive each other, I can be here for my sister. She's not just my sibling; she's a part of me, my other half.

Despite Shahmeer's pleading, I have responsibilities to fulfill, especially when it comes to my sister's well-being. He may be waiting for me back home like a puppy, but right now, Zuha needs me more.
It's been an eternity since I arrived in Berlin, seeking solace in its bustling streets and unfamiliar faces. Yet, amidst the chaos of this new city, my heart remains tethered to Sherdaad, each memory etched into my very being.

I had hoped distance would serve as an antidote to my pain, a balm to heal the wounds he left behind. But time and distance have only amplified the ache, the longing that gnaws at my soul with relentless persistence.

For the sake of my family, I wear a mask of false contentment, a facade of healing. They've fretted over my fragile state for far too long, and I cannot bear to burden them further with the weight of my sorrow. So, I feign strength, plastering on a smile to shield them from the truth.

Yet, behind closed doors, I crumble, consumed by the memories of our love, haunted by the ghost of what once was. Even now, his voice echoes in the recesses of my mind, a constant reminder of the love we shared and the pain we endured.

In the quiet moments of the night, when the city sleeps and my thoughts are my only company, I allow myself to succumb to the ache, to the longing that courses through my veins.

Zeya: What do you feel like eating tonight, Zuha? I was thinking maybe we could order some pasta.

Zuha: Pasta sounds perfect! Let's order takeout though, I don't feel like cooking tonight.

Zeya: Agreed, takeout it is then. So, how was your day?

Zuha: I literally slept like a dog all day!! And you know that you were just beside me.

Zeya: there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about.

Zuha: What is it?

Zeya: It's about Daad bhai.

Zuha: *sighs* Zeya, please, I don't want to hear about him. I've moved on from all that.

Zeya: I know you're lying but hear me out. I'm not defending him or anything, but ever since you left, he's been different. It's like the spark in his eyes has dimmed, and he's just been so...lost.

Zuha: *hesitantly* I'm not lying. I can't just forget how he treated me, Zeya. It's not that simple.

Zeya: I understand, Zuha. I'm not asking you to forgive him or anything. I just thought you should know how things have been at home. He's been struggling, Zuha. And as much as it hurts to see him like this, I can't help but feel sorry for him.

Zuha: *softens* I guess...I guess I never really thought about how leaving would affect him. But that doesn't change anything, Zeya. I can't go back after everything that happened.

Zeya: I know, Zuha. And I'm not asking you to. Just...keep it in mind, okay? That's all I ask.

Zuha: *nods* Okay, Zeya. I'll try.

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