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The living room of the Syed household buzzed with excitement as Sumaiya and Iqra's parents joined the gathering, greeted warmly by Dadu and Dadi. Shifa and Afaaq exchanged pleasantries with the newcomers, while Shahmeer's parents beamed with anticipation. Mahnoor, her eyes sparkling with joy, welcomed the guests with open arms, eager to celebrate the impending union.

Amidst the lively chatter, Sumaiya and Iqra's parents engaged in conversation with the elders of the Syed family, discussing the details of the engagement ceremony. "We are delighted to have found such wonderful matches for our daughters," Sumaiya's father remarked, his eyes shining with pride.

Iqra's mother nodded in agreement, her smile radiant. "Indeed, it's a blessing to see our children enter into such a promising alliance," she replied, her voice tinged with emotion.

Dadu and Dadi listened attentively, their expressions warm and welcoming. "We are honored to welcome your families into ours," Dadu declared, his voice resonating with sincerity. "May this union bring happiness and prosperity to both our families."

As the conversation flowed, the atmosphere brimmed with camaraderie and goodwill. Sumaiya and Iqra's parents expressed their gratitude for the warm reception, while the elders of the Syed family extended their best wishes for the upcoming engagement festivities.

In that moment, amidst laughter and joy, the bonds of friendship transcended into the realm of family, weaving a tapestry of love and unity that would endure for generations to come.

Sumaiya's father cleared his throat, his expression turning slightly serious. "While we are eager to proceed with the engagement, we must also consider Sumaiya's degree," he began, his tone measured. "She has one more year left to complete her degree, and we believe it's important for her to focus on her studies."

Dadu nodded understandingly, his brows furrowing in thought. "Of course, education is important," he agreed, his voice reflecting his respect for Sumaiya's aspirations. "We can certainly accommodate the timing of the Nikah to align with Sumaiya's college exams."

Iqra's mother interjected, her gaze thoughtful. "Perhaps we could plan for the engagement to take place for now," she suggested, her tone considerate. "This would give Sumaiya ample time to prepare for her final year of studies, while still allowing us to celebrate this joyous occasion together."

Shifa and Afaaq nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting their support for the decision. "That sounds like a reasonable plan," Shifa remarked, her tone supportive. "We want Sumaiya to pursue her dreams while also enjoying the happiness of her engagement."

With the timing of the engagement settled, the conversation turned to discussing potential dates and venues, the air filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming celebrations. As plans were made and details finalized, it became clear that Sumaiya and Iqra's journey toward matrimony would be marked by both joyous festivities and a steadfast commitment to their future.

As Binesh busied herself in the kitchen, preparing Shahmeer's favorite dishes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation bubbling within her. With a warm smile, she set the biryani and side dishes on the table, eager to share the exciting news with her son.

"Shahmeer, darling," she began, her tone filled with excitement as she approached him at the table. "I have some wonderful news to share with you." Her eyes sparkled with joy as she spoke, her heart brimming with happiness for her son.

Shahmeer's eyes lit up at the prospect of good news, his expression brightening with curiosity and anticipation. "What is it, Ammi?" he asked eagerly, his appetite momentarily forgotten as he focused on his mother's words.

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