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One month later, the bond between Zeya and Zuha had undergone a profound transformation. Zeya, burdened with guilt, became Zuha's constant companion. Their connection, already unique as twins, deepened into an unbreakable bond. They stuck together like two pieces of a puzzle, complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Zuha, still on the path of recovery, found solace in Zeya's unwavering presence. Zeya, in turn, became Zuha's confidante, sharing every thought and feeling. The guilt that Zeya harbored for not recognizing Zuha's struggles earlier had transformed into an unspoken promise to be there for her sister, no matter what.

Their days were filled with shared laughter, secrets, and a renewed sense of closeness. Zeya made it her mission to bring joy and light into Zuha's life, creating a protective cocoon around her twin. The once-distanced sisters now embraced each other's company, finding strength in their shared experiences.

As the days passed, the healing journey continued.


In Shahmeer's room, the new hoodies lay scattered on his bed, and he waited for his chachi to bring him some tea while he changed. To his surprise, it was not his chachi who entered but Zeya, wearing a mischievous expression. Shahmeer, at first, didn't mind the unexpected company.

Zeya presented the cup of tea with an air of snarkiness, as if she was doing him a favor. Shahmeer, catching on to her attitude, couldn't help but feel a hint of irritation. He raised an eyebrow, questioning her motives.

"Tea delivery service at your command, Meer ," Zeya said with a smirk, feigning exaggerated politeness.

Shahmeer, slightly amused but still perturbed by her tone, replied, "Well, thank you, Zeya. Didn't know I needed permission for tea in my own room."

Zeya rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, you're most welcome, Meer bhai. Just trying to make your royal life a bit more comfortable."

Zeya's eyes sparkled as she spotted a vibrant electric blue hoodie with intriguing prints on Shahmeer's bed. Unable to contain her excitement, she exclaimed like a happy dog and began dancing around the room with infectious joy. Her innocent facade emerged as she approached the coveted hoodie.

"Oh my God, Meer! This hoodie is, like, the definition of perfection! Can I... Can I have it?" Zeya asked, trying to sound innocent but failing to hide the mischief in her eyes.

Shahmeer, slightly bemused by her antics, warned her, "Zeya, don't even think about it. That's mine."

Ignoring his admonition, Zeya carelessly picked up the hoodie, inspecting it with delight. "Come on, Meer, you have plenty. Sharing is caring, isn't it? And blue suits me so well!"

Shahmeer, now with a more serious tone, scolded her, "Zeya, I mean it. Put it back. I just got these."

Undeterred, Zeya continued to dance around the room with the hoodie in hand.

Shahmeer, noticing Zeya wearing one of his hoodies, couldn't believe his eyes. "Is that my batman hoodie you're wearing?"

Zeya, with a mischievous grin, struck a pose. "Oh, this old thing? I just happened to fall in love with it, you should be glad. "

Shahmeer, getting more frustrated, asked, "And when did you borrow that? I don't remember giving you permission."

Zeya, feigning innocence, replied, "Borrow? AREY MEER!!, you misunderstand. I didn't borrow it. I borrowed it permanently."

Shahmeer, now irritated, said, "You mean you stole it!"

Zeya shrugged playfully, "Stole, borrowed – tomato, tomahto. It's all in the family, right?"

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