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In the inviting ambiance of the Syed family's living room, Mahnoor reclined comfortably, relishing a plate of snacks. Sherdaad, bearing a radiant grin, entered the room, carefully carrying a tray crowned with a glass of juice.

"Mahnoor chachi," Sherdaad greeted with a warm smile. "I brought you some juice. How are you feeling today?"

"Thank you, Sherdaad," Mahnoor replied, returning the smile. "I'm feeling good, daad baby."

As Sherdaad delicately placed the juice on the nearby table, Shahmeer, full of curiosity, sauntered into the room.

"Chachi Mahnoor," Shahmeer exclaimed with bubbling excitement. "When is the princess coming? I can't wait!"

Sherdaad, seizing the opportunity for a playful tease, grinned mischievously. "Well, Shahmeer, you know, the princess is going to be mine. Dad told me."

Shahmeer's eyes widened, and he turned to Mahnoor with a mixture of disbelief and disappointment. "Really? But I want the princess to be mine!"

"Sorry, buddy," Sherdaad chuckled. "Dad told me first. The princess is going to be mine."

A lively banter ensued between the two boys as they debated the princess's future. Mahnoor, savoring the moment, decided to join in.

"Areyy!! Ladna band karogy tum dono?" she interjected with a playful chuckle. "The princess is going to be loved by both of you. You'll get to play with her and take care of her together."

Both boys nodded reluctantly, but the twinkle of disagreement lingered in their eyes.

"I still want her to be mine," Shahmeer mumbled under his breath.

Sherdaad, in a hushed whisper, agreed, "Yeah, me too."

Unaware of the brewing sentiments, Mahnoor reveled in the warmth surrounding her unborn child.


The opulence of the VIP hospital room echoed with the muted tones of familial concern. Umar, a whirlwind of emotions, paced the room like a caged lion, his heart pounding in tandem with the ticking clock.

"What's taking so long?" Umar's voice wavered with an undercurrent of panic. "Why isn't anyone updating us? Is Mahnoor okay?"

Afaq, assuming the role of the calming force, approached Umar, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Umar, they're doing everything they can. The doctors are experts; they'll take good care of her."

Begum Zubaria, her usually composed demeanor shaken, joined the conversation. "Oh, my! I hope both Mahnoor and the baby are safe. Khuda khair karein. "

The rest of the family clustered in the corridor outside the VIP theater. Concern etched on every face, they exchanged anxious glances and murmured prayers, forming an unspoken support system for one another.

Afaq glanced at the clock, his brow furrowed with worry. "It shouldn't be taking this long, should it? What's happening in there?"

Usman, attempting to ease the tension, chimed in, "Sometimes these things just take time, Afaq. Let's trust the doctors."

Inside the theater, the medical team worked diligently, navigating the delicate dance of bringing a new life into the world. The collective pulse of the family, however, seemed to synchronize with every passing minute.

Meanwhile, Sherdaad and Shahmeer, the youngest members of the family, sat huddled together on a bench. In their innocence, they found solace in prayer. Sherdaad whispered, "Ya Allah, keep my princess safe."

Shahmeer echoed the sentiment, his voice barely audible, "Please, let the princess be okay."

As the collective worry permeated the air, the hospital corridor became a space where time seemed suspended.

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