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In the quietude of her room, Zuha's eyes wandered, absorbing every detail as if etching them into her memory. The weight of her emotions manifested in the subtle quiver of her lips and the poignant gaze she cast upon the space she called her own. Each item, from the framed photographs on the walls to the knick-knacks adorning her dresser, held a story, a chapter of her life that was now undergoing a seismic shift.

Her suitcases, standing sentinel by the door, symbolized the impending departure. Packed with the essentials for a new journey, they embodied the physical manifestation of the emotional baggage she carried. As she sat on her bed, the room seemed to echo with the silence of farewells unsaid.

There, amid the subdued lighting, the atmosphere hung heavy with a myriad of sentiments. Grief for what was left behind, longing for what could have been, heartbreak for the shattered dreams, and regret for the choices that led to this moment. Zuha's hands, perhaps subconsciously, clutched at the fabric of her seat, a physical anchor in the sea of emotional turmoil.

Tomorrow's flight loomed on the horizon, a harbinger of change. The room, once a haven, now stood witness to the bittersweet transformation of a life in flux. The air resonated with the unspoken words of a farewell that lingered, unarticulated, in the shadows of her expressive eyes.

Shifa entered the room, her gaze mirroring a kaleidoscope of emotions—regret, pain, and an unspoken understanding. Approaching Zuha, she took a seat beside her on the bed, tenderly grasping both of her hands as if to convey an unspoken solidarity.

Her eyes, pools of sympathy and love, spoke volumes without uttering a single word. In that moment, Shifa's silent presence became a comforting refuge. Gently, she caressed Zuha's face, her touch imbued with a motherly tenderness that sought to alleviate the weight of burdens carried by her daughter.

The room, steeped in the poignancy of impending departure, bore witness to this poignant scene. As Shifa enveloped Zuha in a warm embrace, a silent understanding passed between them—an acknowledgment of the pain, regret, and the unwavering maternal love that bridged the gap between words left unspoken.

Shifa hesitated, her words dancing around the edge of the delicate subject at hand. "Zuha, beta, I've been thinking..."

Zuha, her eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and acceptance, quietly urged Shifa to continue. Shifa delicately touched upon the notion that perhaps delaying her departure could alter the course of events, a hesitant plea underlying her words.

"I know I should have said something earlier," Shifa apologized, her voice carrying the weight of unspoken guilt. "Maybe if I had, things wouldn't be like this now."

Zuha, in a moment of serene acceptance, shook her head gently. "Tayi ammi, it's not your fault. It's my fate, and maybe this is how it was meant to be."

As tears welled up in Zuha's eyes, she began to shiver, her cries echoing the pain etched across her heart. The raw vulnerability spilled out as she confessed her inability to stay in a house filled with impending marriages, fearing her mere presence would cast an ominous shadow over Sherdaad's happiness.

"If I stay," she quivered, "I'll be a bad omen for him, Amma. I'll bring misfortune to his life." Each word was a poignant admission of her internal struggle, the torment of unrequited love, and the sacrifices she believed were necessary for the well-being of the man she cherished.

Shifa, overwhelmed by the magnitude of Zuha's sacrifice, tightened her embrace, trying to shield her from the harsh reality. "Beta, you don't have to bear all this alone. We can find another way, another solution."

Zuha, tears streaming down her face, shook her head with a bitter smile. "Tayi Ammi, sometimes we can't change our destiny. This is my path, and I have to walk it alone."

As the weight of the impending departure sank in, Shifa could only watch helplessly, her heart aching for her daughter. "But you're not alone, Zuha. We're here for you."

Zuha, in a moment of quiet desperation, whispered, "I love him too much to see him suffer because of me. This is the only way."

Shifa, torn between understanding and maternal instincts, held Zuha closer. The room echoed with the somber acknowledgment of a sacrifice that bore the burden of unspoken pain.

As the family gathered around the dining table, an air of tension hung over the room. Dadu's announcement cast a solemn shadow over what was supposed to be a regular meal. Each family member wore a mask of forced cheerfulness, concealing the underlying turmoil.

Sherdaad's gaze was drawn to Zuha, who sat quietly, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions. He felt a strange mixture of guilt and longing, unsure of the turmoil within her heart. The impending farewell weighed heavily on him, though he couldn't decipher the complexity of his own feelings.

Dadu, ever the patriarch, tried to lighten the mood with a feeble attempt at humor. "Let's make this a memorable meal for Zuha, no gloomy faces," he said, trying to infuse a touch of normalcy into the farewell.

The clinking of utensils against plates created a dissonant melody, masking the underlying tension that pulsed through the room. Zuha managed a faint smile, responding to the efforts of her family to create an illusion of normalcy.

The dining room was filled with the fragrant aroma of Zuha's favorite dishes. Shifa, Mahnoor, and Binesh, with a delicate touch, served each dish to Zuha, one by one, their faces reflecting a mix of concern and sorrow.

Shifa, holding a plate of biryani, hesitated before placing it in front of Zuha. "Your favorite, Zuha."

Zuha managed a weak smile, her eyes betraying the pain within. "Thank you, tayi ammi."

Mahnoor followed with a bowl of haleem, her voice laden with emotions. "We made all your favorites today."

Binesh added a side of kebabs, her eyes conveying both love and regret. "Enjoy, mera bacha. "

As the plates piled up, Zuha's attempts to eat became mechanical. Each bite felt like a weight on her chest, a reminder of the impending departure. She could hardly swallow, and the flavors that once brought joy now felt suffocating.

Dadu, observing the struggle, finally spoke up. "Enough for now. Zuha will keep visiting, and we can cherish these moments without overwhelming her."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the room as the burden lifted. Zuha, her eyes moist, whispered her gratitude. "Thank you, Dadu. I'll cherish these memories." The room held a poignant silence, a delicate dance of shared pain and unspoken goodbyes.


Sherdaad stood before Zuha's closed door, the weight of unspoken words pressing heavily on his chest. The dim light in the hallway cast shadows, mirroring the turmoil within him. His hand trembled as it hovered near the door, a silent plea echoing in his heart.

His heartbeat, usually a steady rhythm, now resembled a drum resonating with the chaos of conflicting emotions. He longed to speak, to pour out the feelings he had kept guarded for so long. The silence seemed to amplify the intensity of his inner struggle.

As he steeled himself to knock, the vulnerability of his emotions spilled over. His eyes, usually composed, now betrayed a glimmer of unshed tears. Each thought echoed loudly in his mind, forming an intricate web of desires and regrets.

But just as he was on the brink of expressing the storm within, Zeya's voice pierced through the quiet. "Daad bhai!"

Her call hung in the air, a forceful interruption that halted Sherdaad's actions. His hand, suspended in uncertainty, hesitated mid-air. Zeya's timely intervention left the door closed, the outcome suspended in suspense, mirroring the unspoken tension lingering between Sherdaad and the closed door of Zuha's room.


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