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The dining room buzzed with the clinking of cutlery and the laughter of the Syed family as they enjoyed their dinner. The atmosphere was light and joyful until Zeya and Sherdaad made their grand entrance after an extensive shopping spree.

Zeya, burdened with shopping bags, and Sherdaad, holding an equally impressive load, walked in with an air of triumph. However, their arrival turned the ambiance tense as Mahnoor's eyes widened in disbelief. Abandoning her dinner, she rushed towards Zeya, her expressions shifting from confusion to sternness.

Mahnoor: "Zeya! What is all this? Ye kisko bikhari bana ke aayi ho? Whose credit card did you use?"

Zeya, feigning innocence, pointed towards Sherdaad with a mischievous smile.

Zeya: "Oh, Daad bhai bought it all for me. He couldn't say no to his princess!"

Sherdaad chuckled, trying to diffuse the situation, explaining Zeya's excitement for the upcoming wedding.

Sherdaad: "She was too thrilled about the wedding, I couldn't refuse her."

Mahnoor's stern gaze shifted from Zeya to Sherdaad, her motherly concern turning into disbelief.

Mahnoor: "Sherdaad, you let her buy all this? Do you realize the consequences? Just because we can afford all this doesn't mean k tum ise ye sab dilado."

Sherdaad, trying to defend himself, spoke with a sheepish smile.

Sherdaad: "Chachi, she was so excited about the wedding, and I couldn't say no. I'll take responsibility for it."

Mahnoor sighed, glancing at the excessive shopping bags.

Mahnoor: "This is not just about the money, Sherdaad. Zeya needs to learn responsibility. You can't indulge her every whim."

Zeya, sensing the tension, stepped forward with puppy-dog eyes.

Zeya: "Ammi, Daad just wanted to make me happy. It's not his fault."

Mahnoor, torn between scolding and understanding, softened her expression.

Mahnoor: "We'll talk about this later. Finish your dinner first."

The room remained wrapped in a heavy silence as the family returned to their meals. Shahmeer stole a glance at Zuha, who seemed lost in her thoughts, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within.


Mahnoor, with a stern expression, approached Shahmeer who was waiting near the car.

Mahnoor: "Shahmeer, apni chachi ki baat mano gay na? ."

Shahmeer, feigning innocence: "Aap hukum karein."

Mahnoor, unamused: " I want you to take Zeya to her friend's wedding."

Shahmeer, shocked: "Ye karne se pehle mai mar na jau? "

Mahnoor, serious: "No excuses. Just make sure she reaches there on time and back safely."

Shahmeer, grinning: "You owe me big time for being her chauffeur."

Mahnoor, raising an eyebrow: "You owe me for all the times I've had to put up with your mischief. This is payback."

Shahmeer chuckled, realizing he was caught.

Shahmeer waited impatiently in the car, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel as the minutes stretched into eternity. Finally, the door opened, and Zeya stepped out, causing Shahmeer's annoyance to skyrocket.

Shahmeer, mockingly: "Aagyi Maharani shaiba? "

Zeya shot him a glare, carrying multiple bags and struggling to keep her balance.

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