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Kursi 🪑 ki peti baandhlo. ≧﹏≦

As Shahmeer stepped out with his mom, his nerves were frayed beyond repair. He couldn't seem to still his trembling hands, and his fingers kept involuntarily tangling in his hair, a desperate attempt to anchor himself in the whirlwind of emotions raging inside him. Odd noises escaped his lips, a bizarre coping mechanism that did little to calm the storm raging within.

His mother, ever observant, cast a perplexed glance in his direction, her brow furrowing in concern as she took in his erratic behavior. With a sigh, she couldn't help but voice her confusion. "Shahmeer, what's gotten into you? Why are you acting like... like a dying horse?"

Shahmeer's attempt to brush off her inquiry with a feeble excuse fell flat, his voice betraying the turmoil churning within him. "Oh, uh, I'm just... excited, you know? About the engagement and everything."

His mother's skeptical gaze lingered on him for a moment longer, "I can see that since you are so early for the function. "

But she ultimately chose to let the matter rest, recognizing the futility of pressing him further. With a resigned nod, she urged him forward, guiding him towards the awaiting festivities with a supportive hand on his shoulder.

Zeya emerged from the confines of Shahmeer's closet, her heart still racing from their stolen moment together, she sank onto his bed, her mind swirling with a tumult of emotions. With trembling hands, she buried her face in his pillow, the soft fabric muffling the ecstatic scream that bubbled up from deep within her.

"Haayee!!! What was that?!!! I'm floating in the air. Why did he taste like blueberries and honey?!! "

In that blissful moment, her mind drifted back to the exhilarating rush of their forbidden embrace. She could still feel the warmth of Shahmeer's lips against hers, the tender press of his forehead against hers as he reluctantly pulled away.

And then, as Shifa's insistent knocks echoed through the room,

"I'll leave first, stay here baby. "

Shahmeer had ushered her into the closet, their lips still locked in a passionate embrace, a final peck sealing their secret before he closed the door behind her, shielding her from prying eyes.

As the memory played out in her mind like a scene from a romantic movie, Zeya couldn't suppress the surge of joy that swept through her. Despite the risks, despite the consequences, she was hopelessly, irrevocably in love.

Her initial euphoria faded, a creeping sense of unease settled over her. Sitting on Shahmeer's bed, her mind whirled with a torrent of conflicting emotions. With trembling hands, she reached up to clutch at her hair, as if trying to anchor herself amidst the chaos of her thoughts.

"Marrying her...engaged to her..." she murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper. "But just moments ago...what was that? What are we doing?"

The engagement hall was transformed into a vision of opulence and elegance, with every corner adorned in intricate decorations and dazzling embellishments. Soft, warm lighting bathed the space in a golden glow, casting a spellbinding aura over the entire venue. Delicate floral arrangements graced every surface, their sweet fragrance mingling with the scent of incense, creating an intoxicating ambiance.

In the center of the hall stood a magnificent stage, its grandeur matched only by the solemnity of the occasion. Adorned with cascading drapes of rich fabric and twinkling fairy lights, the stage served as the focal point of the ceremony. Three plush couches were arranged atop the stage, one for the honored guests and the two central ones reserved for the couples-to-be.

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