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Yesterday, after reaching home, my first thing was to inform my mom about my results. I could see how happy she was about the news and was smiling all day.

It was during evening time when I got the chance to let Dad and Daeun know about my results as well. Expectantly, my sister asked me the most unacceptable thing which was "where did you lost marks?" But I still answered her, it was probably in physics, papers of which I am hoping to receive today or in biology as there could have been mistakes in the long answers.

Some students are saying that I scored the highest in biology, I tried to not be show my happiness about it and patiently waited.

Whether about my Dad, he's the person who likes to celebrate even the smallest good things with good food. So right after I let him know, he went to the market to bring meat after Mom told him we were having all veg for dinner last night.

He didn't congratulate me or voice his happiness but it was evident in his actions, from giving me an extra piece to my plate and visiting my room for a second to see what I was doing. I told him I was planning to study for few hours before going to bed at the time he showed up — I was laying on my bed texting with Wonbin over text — and he didn't say much but said, "Don't stay awake too long"

I hope achievements surprise me like this, it's fun this way and I don't have to set specific goals cause it's much on doing my best and expect nothing, but hope for better outcomes.

And now I am back to school routine, the day has been going usual with the sun heat beating down on the walls and ground as the firt weeks of August but with the only difference of finding Wonbin just one hand away from my seat. I could still smell his faint scent whilst he was resting his head on the table, either looking out the window or sleeping.

I didn't get to write yesterday's happenings on my diary last night for being too happy so I was writing it down at school, during recess which is now as no one's present in the classroom except for him.

It's awkward to write down or do journal during school hours because everyone seems to walk over to you and query, "what are you writing?" And it's more awkward to say that I'm writing my diary so I just excused saying "some school works"

After getting my diary back into my bag, I took in a deep breath and looked at the back of Wonbin's head. I percepted he's asleep by how immobile his body looked for some minutes now.

A smile creeped to my face in adoration, thinking how I lighten up a bit yesterday regarding the study time after knowing my results came out good but Wonbin probably didn't, considering that he's been looking sleepy.

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